肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script



We see what the guard doesn't:
instead of Andy's head under the blanket, it's a wadded-up pillow. The flashlight plays across the cell, pinning Marilyn Monroe in a circle of light.
238 ANGLE FROM BEHIND POSTER 238 The light illuminates her face through the paper. WIDEN to reveal Andy lying in his tunnel, holding his breath. The light clicks off. The FOOTSTEPS move on. He gets back to work.
RED (V.O.) While the rest of us slept, Andy spent years workin' the nightshift... 239INT -- SHAFT -- NIGHT (1965) 239 BOOMING SLOWLY UP the shaft. Rats scurry the pipes. Suddenly, r piece of concrete the size of a quarter jumps free and plummets down the shaft as the rock-hammer pushes through. The pick withdraws, replaced by Andy's peering eye.
240 A SERIES OF DISSOLVES (1965 through 1966) 240 takes us through the widening of the hole. First as big as a tea cup. Then a saucer. Then a dinner plate.
RED (V.O.) Probably took him most of a year just to get his head through.
Andy finally gets his head through, scraping his ears. He's got a penlight clenched in his teeth. He peers down into the shaft. At the very bottom, maybe 20 feet down, a big ceramic pipe runs the length of the cellblock. Beneath its coat of grime and dust, the word "SEWER" is stenciled.
241EXT -- LOADING DOCK ACCESS -- NIGHT (1966) 241 ANGLE LOOKING STRAIGHT DOWN. Below us, Tommy Williams lies facedown at Norton's feet. Blood is spreading, fanning out oa the pavement. Norton turns, strolls out of frame.
RED (V.O.) I guess after Tommy was killed, Andy decided he'd been here just about long enough.
Again we see:
Andy working. Norton pokes his head in.
Lickety-split. I wanna get home.
Just about done, sir.
Norton crosses to the wall safe and works the dial, his back turned. This time, though, we stay on Andy: He pulls up his sweater, yanks out a large black book and a stack of files, lays them on the desk. He then grabs the real ledger and files, jams them down his pants and smoothes his sweater down. He picks up the bogus stack, crosses to Norton, and shoves everything in.
243INT -- HALLWAY -- NIGHT (1966) 243 Norton exits his office and strolls off whistling. PUSH IN on the open door. We see Andy at the guard's desk, pulling Norton's dress shoes from their box.
RED (V.O.) Andy did like he was told. Buffed those shoes to a high mirror shine.
244INT -- NORTON'S OFFICE -- MINUTES LATER (1966) 244 Andy sorts through Norton's three suits. He pauses, checking the gray pinstripe. Nice.
245INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- NIGHT (1966) 245 The guard BUZZES Andy through. Andy walks toward us.
RED (V.O.) The guard simply didn't notice.
Neither did I. I mean, seriously, how often do you really look at a man's shoes?
TILT DOWN as he passes by. Yep, he's wearing Norton's shoes.
246INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1966) 246 The lights go out. Andy places the last chess piece. Gazes up at Racquel. Smiles. Pulls the rope from under his pillow.
He stands and unbuttons his prison shirt, revealing Norton's gray pinstripe suit underneath. A FLASH OF LIGHTNING floods the cell, throwing wild shadows.
247INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1966) 247 The storm rages. Andy, naked, carefully slips Norton's folded suit into a large industrial Zip-Lock bag. Next to go in are the shoes, chess pieces (already in a smaller bag), black ledger en files. Last but not least, a bar of soap wrapped in a towel.
248INT -- TUNNEL -- NIGHT (1966) 248 Andy, again wearing prison clothes, inches down the tunnel.
249INT -- SHAFT -- NIGHT (1966) 249 Andy squeezes through the hole head-first, emerges to the waist, He reaches for the opposite wall, manages to snag a steel conduit with his fingers.
Suddenly, a huge rat darts for his hand. Andy yanks away and almost plummets head-first down the shaft. He dangles wildly upside-down for a moment, arms windmilling, then gets his hands pressed firmly against the opposite wall. The rat scurries off, pissed.