肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script



(motions him over) You don't need to ask me every time you go take a piss. Just go.
28lINT -- EMPLOYEE RESTROOM -- DAY 281 Red steps to the urinal, stares at himself in the wall mirror.
RED (V.O.) Thirty years I've been asking permission to piss. I can't squeeze a drop without say-so.
A strange east Indian guitar-whine begins. The Beatles. George Harrison's "Within You Without You..." 282EXT -- STREET -- DAY 282 ...which carries through as Red walks. People and traffic. He keeps looking at the women. An alien species.
RED (V.O.) Women, too, that's the other thing.
I forgot they were half the human race. There's women everywhere, every shape and size. I find myself semi-hard most of the time, cursing myself for a dirty old man.
TWO YOUNG WOMEN stroll by in cut-offs and t-shirts.
RED (V.O.) Not a brassiere to be seen, nipples poking out at the world. Jeezus, pleeze-us. Back in my day, a woman out in public like that would have been arrested and given a sanity hearing.
283EXT -- PARK -- DUSK 283 Red finds the park filled with HIPPIES. Hanging out.
Happening. Here's the source of the music:
a radio. A HIPPIE GIRL gyrates to the Beatles, stoned, in her own world.
RED (V.O.) They're calling this the Summer of Love. Summer of Loonies, you ask me.
284INT -- PAROLE OFFICE -- DAY 284 Red sits across from his PAROLE OFFICER. The P.O. is filling out his report.
You staying out of the bars, Red?
Yes sir. That I am.
How you doing otherwise? Adjusting okay?
Things got different out here.
Tell me about it. Young punks protesting the war. You imagine?
Even my own kid. Oughtta bust his f***in' skull.
Guess the world moved on.
285INT -- FOODWAY -- DAY 285 Bagging groceries. CHILDREN underfoot. One points a toy gun at Red, pumping the trigger. Red focuses on the gun, listening to it CLICKETY-CLACK. Sparky wheel grinding.
The kids get swept off by MOM. Red starts bagging the next customer. SLOW PUSH IN on Red. Surrounded by MOTION and NOISE.