肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script



Feeling like the eye of a hurricane. People everywhere, whipping around him like a gale. Strange. Loud. Dizzying. It gets distorted and weird, slow and thick, pressing in on him from all sides. The noise level intensifies. The hollering of children deepens and distends into LOW EERIE HOWLS.
He's in the grip of a major anxiety attack. Tries to shake himself out of it. Can't. Fumbles the final items into the bag. Walks away. Trying not to panic. Trying not to run.
He makes his way through the store. Blinking sweat. He bumps into a lady's cart, mumbles an apology, keeps going. Breaks into a trot. Down the aisle, cut to the left, through the door into the back rooms, faster and faster, running now, slamming through a door marked "Employees Only" into -- 286INT -- EMPLOYEE RESTROOM -- DAY 286 -- where he slams the door and leans heavily against it, shutting everything out, breathing heavily. Alone now.
He goes to the sink, splashes his face, tries to calm down.
He can still hear them out there. They won't go away. He glances around the restroom. Small. Not small enough.
He enters a stall. Locks the door. Puts the toilet lid down and sits on the john. Better. He can actually reach out and touch the walls now. They're close. Safe. Almost small enough.
He draws his feet up so he can't be seen if somebody walks in.
He'll just sit here for a while. Until he calms down.
287EXT -- STREET -- DUSK 287 Red is walking home.
RED (V.O.) There is a harsh truth to face.
No way I'm gonna make it on the outside.
He pauses at a pawnshop window. An array of handguns.
RED (V.O.) All I do anymore is think of ways to break my parole.
The SHOPKEEPER appears at the glass, locking the door and
flipping the sign:
CLOSED. 288INT -- RED'S ROOM -- NIGHT 288 Red lies smoking in bed. Unable to sleep.
RED (V.O.) Terrible thing, to live in fear.
Brooks Hatlen knew it. Knew it all too well. All I want is to be back where things make sense. Where I won't have to be afraid all the time.
He glances up at the ceiling beam. "Brooks Hatlen was here." RED (V.O.) Only one thing stops me. A promise I made to Andy.
289EXT -- COUNTRY ROAD -- MORNING 289 A pickup truck rattles up the road trailing dust and pulls to a stop. Red hops off the back, waves his thanks. The truck
drives on. Red starts walking. PAN TO a roadside sign:
BUXTON. 290EXT -- MAINE COUNTRYSIDE -- DAY 290 High white clouds in a blazing blue sky. The trees fiery with autumn color. Red walks the fields and back-roads, cheap compass in hand. Looking for a certain hayfield.
291EXT -- COUNTRYSIDE -- DAY 291 Walking. Searching. The day turning late. Red finds himself staring at a distant field. There's a long rock wall, like something out o f a Robert Frost poem. Big oak tree. Red checks his compass. North end. He crosses a dirt road into the field.
292EXT -- HAYFIELD -- DAY 292 Red walks the long rock wall, nearing the tree. A squirrel scolds him from a low branch, scurries up higher. Red studies the base of the wall. Nothing unusual here. Just a bunch of rocks set in stone. He sighs. Fool's errand. Turns to go.
Something catches his eye. He walks back, squats, peering closer. Wets a fingertip and rubs a stone. A layer of dust comes off. Volcanic glass. Gleaming black. He tries to get the rock out, anticipation growing. It won't come; it's too smooth. He pulls a pocketknife and levers the rock free. It tumbles at his feet, leaving a ragged hole.
Red leans down and solves the mystery at last, staring at the object buried under the rock. Stunned. It's an envelope wrapped
in plastic. Written on it is a single word:
"Red." Red pulls the envelope out and rises. He just stares at it for a while, almost afraid to open it. But open it he does. Inside is a smaller envelope and a letter. Red begins to read: ANDY (V.O.) Dear Red. If you're reading this, you've gotten out. And if you've come this far, maybe you're willing to come a little further. You remember the name of the town, don't you? I could use a good man to help me get my project on wheels. I'll keep an eye out for you and the chessboard ready.