肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script



Waits. From somewhere below comes faint, ghastly tittering.
VOICES drift through the cellblock, taunting: VARIOUS VOICES (O.S.) Fishee fishee fisheeee...You're gonna like it here, new fish. A whooole lot...Make you wish your daddies never dicked your mommies...You takin' this down, new fish? Gonna be a quiz later.
(somebody LAUGHS) Sshhh. Keep it down. The screws'll hear...Fishee fishee fisheeee... RED (V.O.) The boys always go fishin' with first-timers...and they don't quit till they reel someone in.
The VOICES keep on, sly and creepy in the dark... 22INT -- VARIOUS CELLS -- NIGHT (1947) 22 thru thru 25 2g ...while the new cons go quietly crazy in their cells. One man paces like a caged animal...another sits gnawing his cuticles bloody...a third is weeping silently...a fourth is dry-heaving into the toilet... 26INT -- RED'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 26 Red waits at the bars. Smoking. Listening. He cranes his head, peers down toward Andy's cell. Nothing. Not a peep.
HEYWOOD (O.S.) Fat-Ass...oh, Faaaat-Ass. Talk to me, boy. I know you're in there. I can hear you breathin'. Now don't you listen to these nitwits, hear?
27INT -- FAT-ASS' CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 27 Fat-Ass is crying, trying not to hyperventilate.
HEYWOOD (O.S.) This ain't such a bad place. I'll introduce you around, make you feel right at home. I know some big ol' bull queers who'd love to make your acquaintance...especially that big white mushy butt of yours... And that's it. Fat-Ass lets out a LOUD WAIL of despair: FAT-ASS OH GOD! I DON'T BELONG HERE! I WANNA GO HOME! 28INT -- HEYWOOD'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 28
AND IT'S FAT-ASS BY A NOSE.' 29INT -- CELLBLOCK -- NIGHT (1947) 29 The place goes nuts. Fat-Ass throws himself screaming against the bars. The entire block starts CHANTING:
Fresh fish...fresh fish...fresh fish...fresh fish... FAT-ASS I WANNA GO HOME! I WANT MY MOTHER.' VOICE (O.S.) I had your mother! She wasn't that great! The lights bump on. GUARDS pour in, led by Hadley himself.
What the Christ is this happy sh*t?
VOICE (O.S.) He took the Lord's name in vain! I'm tellin' the warden!
(to the unseen wit) You'll be tellin' him with my baton up your ass! Hadley arrives at Fat-Ass' cell, bellowing through the bars:
What's your malfunction you fat f***in' barrel of monkey-spunk?
I ain't gonna count to three! Not even to one! Now shut the f*** up 'fore I sing you a lullabye! Fat-Ass keeps blubbering and wailing. Total freak-out. Hadley draws his baton, gestures to his men. Open it.
A GUARD unlocks the cell. Hadley pulls Fat-Ass out and starts beating him with the baton, brutally raining blows. Fat-Ass falls, tries to crawl.
The place goes dead silent. All we hear now is the dull THWACK-THWACK-THWACK of the baton. Fat-ass passes out. Hadley gets in a few more licks and finally stops.
Get this tub of sh*t down to the infirmary.
(peers around) If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here the rest of the night, by God and Sonny Jesus, you'll all visit the infirmary. Every last motherf***er here.
The guards wrestle Fat-Ass onto a stretcher and carry him off.
FOOTSTEPS echo away. Lights off. Darkness again. Silence.
30INT -- RED'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 30 Red stares through the bars at the main floor below, eyes riveted to the small puddle of blood where Fat-Ass went down.
RED (V.O.) His first night in the joint, Andy Dufresne cost me two packs of cigarettes. He never made a sound... 31INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- MORNING (1947) 31 LOUD BUZZER. The master locks are thrown -- KA-THUMP! The cons step from their cells, lining the tiers. The GUARDS holler their head-counts to the HEAD BULL, who jots on a clipboard.
Red peers at Andy, checking him out. Andy stands in line, collar buttoned, hair combed.
32INT -- MESS HALL -- MORNING (1947) 32 Andy goes through the breakfast line, gets a scoop of glop on his tray. WE PAN ANDY through the noise and confusion...and discover BOGS DIAMOND and ROOSTER MacBRIDE watching Andy go by. Bogs sizes Andy up with a salacious gleam in his eye, mutters something to Rooster. Rooster laughs.