肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script



39EXT -- LOADING DOCK -- DAY (1947) 39 Under watchful supervision, CONS are off-loading bags of dirty laundry from an "Eliot Nursing Home" truck.
RED (V.O.) Years later, I found out he'd brought in quite a bit more than just ten dollars... A certain bag hits the ground. The TRUCK DRIVER shoots a look at a black con, LEONARD, then ambles over to a GUARD to shoot the sh*t. Leonard loads the bag onto a cart... 40INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY -- DAY (1947) 40 Bags are being unloaded. We find Leonard working the line.
RED (V.O.) When they check you into this hotel, one of the bellhops bends you over and looks up your works, just to make sure you're not carrying anything. But a truly determined man can get an object quite a ways up there.
Leonard slips a small paper-wrapped package out of the laundry bag, hides it under his apron, and keeps sorting... 4lINT -- PRISON LAUNDRY EXCHANGE -- DAY (1947) 41 Red deposits his dirty bundle and moves down the line to where the clean sheets are being handed out.
RED (V.O.) That's how Andy joined our happy little Shawshank family with more than five hundred dollars on his person. Determination.
Leonard catches Red's eye, turns and grabs a specific stack of clean sheets. He hands it across to Red --
-- and more than clean laundry changes hands. Two packs of cigarettes slide out of Red's hand into Leonard's.
42INT -- RED'S CELL -- DAY (1947) 42 Red slips the package out of his sheets, carefully checks to make sure nobody's coming, then rips it open. He pulls out the rock-hammer. It's just as Andy described. Red laughs softly.
RED (V.O.) Andy was right. I finally got the joke. It would take a man about six hundred years to tunnel under the wall with one of these.
43INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- 2ND TIER -- NIGHT (1947) 43 Brooks Hatlen pushes a cart of books from cell to cell. The rolling library. He finds Red waiting for him. Red slips the rock-hammer, wrapped in a towel, through the bars and onto the cart. Next comes six cigarettes to pay for postage.
Brooks nods, never missing a beat. He rolls his cart to Andy's cell, mutters through the bars:
Middle shelf, wrapped in a towel.
Andy's hand snakes through the bars and makes the object disappear. The hand comes back and deposits a small slip of folded paper along with more cigarettes. Brooks turns his cart around and goes back. He pauses, sorting his books long enough for Red to snag the slip of paper. Brooks continues on, scooping the cigarettes off the cart and into his pocket.
44INT -- RED'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 44 Red unfolds the slip of paper. Penciled neatly on it is a
single word:
"Thanks." 45INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY -- DAY (1947) 45 We are assaulted by the deafening noise of the laundry line.
Andy is doing his job, getting good at it.
DUFRESNE! WE'RE LOW ON HEXLITE! HEAD ON BACK AND FETCH US UP SOME! Andy nods. He leaves the line, weaving his way through the laundry room and into -- 46INT -- BACK ROOMS/STOCK AREA -- DAY (1947) 46 -- a dark, tangled maze of rooms and corridors, boilers and furnaces, sump pumps, old washing machines, pallets of cleaning supplies and detergents, you name it. Andy hefts a cardboard drum of Hexlite off the stack, turns around -- -- and finds Bogs Diamond in the aisle. blocking his way.
Rooster looms from the shadows to his right, Pete Verness on the left. A frozen beat. Andy slams the Hexlite to the floor, rips off the top, and scoops out a double handful.
You get this in your eyes, it blinds you.
Honey, hush.
Andy backs up, holding them at bay, trying to maneuver through the maze. The Sisters keep coming, tense and guarded, eyes riveted and gauging his every move, trying to outflank him.
Andy trips on some old gaint sugglies. That's all it takes.
They're on him in an instant, kicking and stomping.
Andy gets yanked to his feet. Bogs applies a chokehold from behind. They propel him across the room and slam him against an old four-pocket machine, bending him over it. Rooster jams a rag into Andy's mouth and secures it with a steel pipe, like a horse bit. Andy kicks and struggles, but Rooster and Pete have his arms firmly pinned. Bogs whispers in Andy's ear: