硅之牛仔Silicon Cowboys Movie Script


Three friends dream up the Compaq portable computer at a Texas diner in 1981, and soon find themselves battling mighty IBM for PC supremacy. Their improbable journey altered the future of computing and shaped the world we now know. 1981年,三位朋友在得克萨斯州的一家餐馆里梦想着康柏便携式电脑,很快就发现自己在与强大的IBM争夺PC霸主地位。他们不可思议的旅程改变了计算机的未来,塑造了我们现在所知的世界。

F-u-d for the fear, uncertainty, and doubt created Among its rivals by ibm.
Will there be life for other home computers After giant ibm's product appeared?
What nobody outside the company knew Is that we had no orders coming in, So this wasn't really a future hypothetical problem, This was an immediate problem that
Ross cooley:
Compaq's stock went down Because they were concerned that ibm would Put compaq out of business.
Bill aulet:
Compaq was the first one in with the luggable.
Ibm put two products, essentialy, in there, And it doesn't do nearly as well.
Rod canion:
They didn't really try to make it better And try to meet compaq's advances In technology and performance.
Their product would not run all the software-- Their ibm software, even their ibm software People did to run in their computers Would not necessarily run in their portable.
But you could take that same thing, And put it in our portable, and it would run.
How could that be?
Of course ibm at the time did the only obvious thing, And they blamed the user.
You're not doing it correctly, and the user said, I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid.
Why don't you come back to me when you've got it figured.
I had heard from friends of friends inside ibm That there was a lot of discussion and turmoil Within their pc ranks.
Why is this happening?
Why is this little company out-marketing us?
They've done a little growing since they Began in February of '82.
They had 6 employees then.
They have 950 now.
Two years ago, they occupied the space On one floor of this building.
By spring, it'll look like this in one of their locations.
Well, production is up 1600%.
The worry now is they won't get enough workers To keep up the pace.
If you'd like to apply to compaq, You can call this number.
Compaq is looking to add 500 people by the end of the year.