硅之牛仔Silicon Cowboys Movie Script


Three friends dream up the Compaq portable computer at a Texas diner in 1981, and soon find themselves battling mighty IBM for PC supremacy. Their improbable journey altered the future of computing and shaped the world we now know. 1981年,三位朋友在得克萨斯州的一家餐馆里梦想着康柏便携式电脑,很快就发现自己在与强大的IBM争夺PC霸主地位。他们不可思议的旅程改变了计算机的未来,塑造了我们现在所知的世界。

It almost thinks.
Rod canion:
We were very lucky to have A high tech company, like texas instruments, in houston.
The learning can go on with the texas Instruments ti-30.
Specially designed for high school students To help them find the wonder of numbers never ends.
Rod canion:
That's where I wanted to go, And I got the job and that really got me started In high tech electronics.
The bosses asked me to take a small team of people To develop an intelligent terminal.
It was a predecessor to the pc.
Bill murto:
He called me up and said, bill, Would you come work for me and be my business Development manager?
Jim harris:
I came out of texas a&m, Electrical engineering degree.
Rod canion:
Bill was the marketing guy, And he was a good one.
Jim was the engineering guy, and even though I was an engineer By background, I was really, sort of, The business guy-- the general manager type.
Jim harris:
While ti was a great place, as the fun became less And less over time, rod and bill and I would quip to each other, Like, let's go do something.
We were seeing what was going on in silicon valley.
Roger mcnamee:
You wandered around, There was still a lot of fruit trees.
It was a lot of empty space.
There was no silicon valley as we think of it today.
It started out as purely Hobbyist, not commercial.
You had to solder your own connections And build your kits.
Chris garcia:
You had the microprocessor become available In the very early 1970's, and you Saw a lot of hobbyists coming up with new ways to use it.
Jim harris:
When we were out there It was just exhilarating to be around these guys And to see their enthusiasm.
Bill murto:
The vp of engineering of a small company Would pull up in his ferrari, which at ti you're Never going to have a ferrari.
Maybe you can rent one once.
What are we doing?
It was like, oh my goodness, this Is what I would like to do.
Seeded this sense of we ought to go do something together.