硅之牛仔Silicon Cowboys Movie Script


Three friends dream up the Compaq portable computer at a Texas diner in 1981, and soon find themselves battling mighty IBM for PC supremacy. Their improbable journey altered the future of computing and shaped the world we now know. 1981年,三位朋友在得克萨斯州的一家餐馆里梦想着康柏便携式电脑,很快就发现自己在与强大的IBM争夺PC霸主地位。他们不可思议的旅程改变了计算机的未来,塑造了我们现在所知的世界。

It is important that we provide system Software products which fully support eisa based machines.
This event exemplifies the industry's determination To create and to expand standards.
The industry together stood up against ibm and prevailed.
Letting the world know that big blue isn't Calling the shots anymore.
Their ability to change the market in directions That don't make to a lot of people Is just simply not there anymore.
Some analysts think it was a day that left big Blue looking black and blue.
Roger mcnamee:
The genius of intel and microsoft Was that they both decided to take a chance on compaq.
Because essentially, compaq became The canary in the coal mine for the strategy Of divorcing from ibm.
And their willingness to place their future In the hands of this group from houston Was pretty brave, and in retrospect, brilliant.
One final question, and kind of a personal one, Are there some mountains out there still for rod canion To climb?
I think my biggest challenge for the foreseeable future Is to keep compaq together.
Keep the culture, keep it rolling, And reach whatever potential's there.
Nobody really knows how fast and how far a computer company can Go, and I'd like to see that.
Compaq computer is one of the fastest growing Personal computer makers.
There's a company whose sales have grown from $111 million In 1983 to more than $2 billion last year.
So what's to worry about?
It was a very different company.
How do you manage 17,000 people in the same way That you manage a hundred-- it's not possible.
Jim harris:
Every time you hire you end up, potentially, Starting to dilute, and then over time you End up with an organization that isn't The same as the organization you started with.
Has the fun gone out of it now that you've Built this successful company?
Will you stay with it?
What are your plans?
Oh, no, the fun is still there.
The challenge is different, that's all I can say.
There's nothing quite like starting a company And having it grow rapidly.