硅之牛仔Silicon Cowboys Movie Script


Three friends dream up the Compaq portable computer at a Texas diner in 1981, and soon find themselves battling mighty IBM for PC supremacy. Their improbable journey altered the future of computing and shaped the world we now know. 1981年,三位朋友在得克萨斯州的一家餐馆里梦想着康柏便携式电脑,很快就发现自己在与强大的IBM争夺PC霸主地位。他们不可思议的旅程改变了计算机的未来,塑造了我们现在所知的世界。

People must have thought you were nuts.
Jim harris:
We went to the credit unions And took out loans.
Bill murto:
I knew that I could last 6 months After I sold my wife's car.
Rod canion:
I had three small children, and a wife, And mortgage.
Jim harris:
I'd actually, recently married rhonda.
I was meeting a lot of her extended family, And it would be like, what do you do?
Well, I've actually left my job, and I want to start a company.
Oh, that's great.
What is that going to be?
Well, we hadn't decided yet.
And you quit your job?
And you could tell they were thinking, poor rhonda.
Bill aulet:
The success of ibm had Come about through mainframe computers.
Ben rosen:
Ibm was making big computers To sell to big companies.
Howard anderson:
Computers were treated as a priesthood, And only the priests could touch them, And everyone else looked through a glass wall.
Eventually, the users wanted to get Hold of that computing power.
Chris garcia:
Ibm wanted to maintain control Over the computing industry as they Had during the 60's and 70's.
Let's build something for the masses That they can buy and become a commodity.
Roger mcnamee:
Everyone else was struggling To get a permanent foothold.
First pcs, apple ii, commodore, radioshack-- It was still a tiny market.
The game changer was when ibm entered the market in '81.
Ibm, international business machines, Has entered the small computer market for the first time.
It's expected to have a major impact On what is now the fastest growing sector Of the computer business.
Chris cantwell:
Ibm said, we're going To go from selling million dollar computers To a few thousand people, to $1000 computers To a few million people.