舞动奇迹 Slam Dance Movie Script


A cartoonist who had an affair with a girl who is murdered gets himself embroiled in a high-level cover-up of a sex scandal involving his lover. By using his artistic talent to try and reconstruct the scandal, he attracts attention to himself by the people involved, and becomes a target himself. 一位漫画家与一名被谋杀的女孩发生了婚外情,他卷入了一场涉及情人的性丑闻的高级掩盖。通过运用自己的艺术天赋尝试和重建丑闻,他吸引了相关人员的注意,并成为了自己的目标。

-l'm sorry.
-What the hell-- -You can't just come in anymore.
-l'm sorry, it's just... You've got to listen to me.
You've got to.
There was this woman.
Wait, wait, hold-- another woman?
Wait a minute!
You're going to tell me you came here tonight... to talk to me about another woman?
Helen, please, you've got to listen to the-- -Helen?
-The whole stor-- The whole thing, l swear to G-- l'm gonna throw up.
Drood, l want you to leave.
l want to see Bean.
He just went crazy.
He just went crazy.
Did you look through all these?
Not yet.
Uh-huh, yep.
Excuse me.
Are you Mrs. Drood?
Yes, sir.
Well, l'm sorry to bother you... at your work here, but... You're from the police.
Yes, ma'am.
l'm Detective Smiley... Benjamin Smiley.
Here's my card.