舞动奇迹 Slam Dance Movie Script


A cartoonist who had an affair with a girl who is murdered gets himself embroiled in a high-level cover-up of a sex scandal involving his lover. By using his artistic talent to try and reconstruct the scandal, he attracts attention to himself by the people involved, and becomes a target himself. 一位漫画家与一名被谋杀的女孩发生了婚外情,他卷入了一场涉及情人的性丑闻的高级掩盖。通过运用自己的艺术天赋尝试和重建丑闻,他吸引了相关人员的注意,并成为了自己的目标。

You're going, then?
Helen, he's off his bloody head.
-Detective Smiley, please.
-This is he.
Detective, this is Helen Drood.
l know where my husband is.
Helen, this is completely insane.
Where are my keys?
-Jim, please let me go.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Thank you.
Thank you.
lt's Bean's.
l thought you might need a hat.
What's wrong?
l'm just imagining myself on the run... in this hat.
Drood, stop it.
Fugitive elf!
No, Drood!
Drood! Drood!
lt's Smiley.