在某处Somewhere Movie Script


在比佛利山庄著名的马蒙城堡养伤期间,坏男孩演员约翰尼·马尔科(斯蒂芬·多尔夫饰)接待了他的小女儿克莱奥(埃勒·范宁饰)的来访。尽管他的心思不在养育孩子上,但她有办法融入父亲的日常生活。慢慢地,两人结合在一起,迫使约翰尼重新审视自己的过度生活以及他与克莱奥的关系。 While recuperating from an injury at Beverly Hills' famed Chateau Marmont, bad-boy actor Johnny Marco (Stephen Dorff) receives a visit from his young daughter, Cleo (Elle Fanning). Though his mind is not on parenting, she has a way of inserting herself into her father's daily routine. Slowly, the two bond, forcing Johnny to re-examine his life of excesses and his relationship with Cleo.

Riding in the back of the car, with tinted windows, Cleo and Johnny give each other a look, that they made it.
Official White Version 06/04/09 29.
They lean back, and are silent as they get out of there.
We hear the sound of a jet taking off.
63 INT. CHATEAU MARMONT LOBBY - EVENING 63 Johnny and Cleo make it back.
They are worn out. She plops down on a big couch next to him.
Pockets of European and LA show business people talk around them.
There’s a table of English fashion people drinking margaritas. One guy has a top hat with a feather sticking out of it.
Cleo looks at them in their costumes.
Romulo, a kind waiter they know, brings Johnny a drink.
Hi Romulo, how are things?
Fine, fine. The same around here...but the fires in Malibu are getting worse. People are having to evacuate.
A tired Cleo leans on her dad.
Would you like a song?
Cleo nods.
Romulo comes back with his acoustic guitar and sings her “Let me be Your Teddy Bear”.
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Cleo falls asleep to the lullaby against Johnny.
64 INT. JOHNNY’S BEDROOM - DAY 64 Johnny is passed out snoring.
65 INT. JOHNNY’S SUITE- KITCHEN - DAY 65 In the morning light of the little kitchen, Cleo follows a recipe in a kid’s cook book, making eggs Benedict.
She places little sprigs of parsley, garnishing their plates.
66 INT. JOHNNY’S SUITE - DAY 66 Sammy is passed out on the couch with the Guitar Hero guitar across his lap.
Cleo answers the door. It’s Victor, a nice waiter.
Good-morning, Cleo.
Good-morning, Victor.