在某处Somewhere Movie Script


在比佛利山庄著名的马蒙城堡养伤期间,坏男孩演员约翰尼·马尔科(斯蒂芬·多尔夫饰)接待了他的小女儿克莱奥(埃勒·范宁饰)的来访。尽管他的心思不在养育孩子上,但她有办法融入父亲的日常生活。慢慢地,两人结合在一起,迫使约翰尼重新审视自己的过度生活以及他与克莱奥的关系。 While recuperating from an injury at Beverly Hills' famed Chateau Marmont, bad-boy actor Johnny Marco (Stephen Dorff) receives a visit from his young daughter, Cleo (Elle Fanning). Though his mind is not on parenting, she has a way of inserting herself into her father's daily routine. Slowly, the two bond, forcing Johnny to re-examine his life of excesses and his relationship with Cleo.

He looks as he passes by an empty car that’s crashed into the wall. A few bouquets have been placed in the bushes by it.
Official White Version 06/04/09 14.
33 EXT. SUNSET BLVD - DAY 33 Johnny’s P.O.V. out the windshield: Driving past Sunset Plaza in harsh sunlight. People hang out at cafes. A Tom Ford billboard looms overhead.
34 INT. SPECIAL EFFECTS MAKE-UP STUDIO - DAY 34 Inside the studio, we see remnants from other projects, an alien head, a wounded half of a face.
Johnny leans back in a chair as the team of make-up artists cover his head in plaster.
They put a straw into his nose to breath out of.
We hear Johnny’s breath - slow and heavy. It seems to take forever to dry.
35 Later:
The make-up artists stand in front of him working with concentration. When they finish, they stand back for Johnny to see himself in the mirror: 35 It’s Johnny at 80 years-old. His eyes look out from the realistic old age make-up.
He looks at himself as an old man.
36 INT. JOHNNY’S SUITE - EVENING 36 Back at the Chateau, Johnny’s young again.
Just out of the shower, wearing a long towel around his waist, he smokes a cigarette in his room when the phone rings.
RECEPTIONIST (O.S.) Good- evening Mr. Marco, your masseuse is here, shall we send him up?
Official White Version 06/04/09 15.
Uh? -ok.
37 INT. JOHNNY’S SUITE - NIGHT 37 Johnny lies face down on the massage table, with a towel across him.
Where’s Laurie?
Oh, they didn’t tell you? She wasn’t available.
He sets up a little iPod speaker system to play New Age super- relaxing music, we hear ocean waves crashing within a gentle flute melody.
The masseur rubs his hands together and takes a long, deep breath.
We see Johnny’s P.O.V. of the masseur through the face-
Men’s muscular legs with bare feet. We watch as his shorts drop and he steps out of them as he starts his work.
Johnny jumps up, holding his towel in front of him.
What the f***, Dude?!
Oh, did they not tell you how I work?