在某处Somewhere Movie Script


在比佛利山庄著名的马蒙城堡养伤期间,坏男孩演员约翰尼·马尔科(斯蒂芬·多尔夫饰)接待了他的小女儿克莱奥(埃勒·范宁饰)的来访。尽管他的心思不在养育孩子上,但她有办法融入父亲的日常生活。慢慢地,两人结合在一起,迫使约翰尼重新审视自己的过度生活以及他与克莱奥的关系。 While recuperating from an injury at Beverly Hills' famed Chateau Marmont, bad-boy actor Johnny Marco (Stephen Dorff) receives a visit from his young daughter, Cleo (Elle Fanning). Though his mind is not on parenting, she has a way of inserting herself into her father's daily routine. Slowly, the two bond, forcing Johnny to re-examine his life of excesses and his relationship with Cleo.

He is met by a few professional young women and an eager PR guy.
CLAIRE, a young professional talks to Johnny as they head in.
She talks to him slowly and clearly as if he’s retarded or crazy.
We need to first get you upstairs for a photo with Rebecca, and then get you over to the press conference.
Official White Version 06/04/09 10.
25 INT. FOUR SEASONS SUITE - DAY 25 Johnny and REBECCA, a young actress, pose in front of a movie poster as a happy couple in love.
A strobe flashes as they are photographed together. As soon as the flashes stop, Rebecca is glum.
She steps back and looks at him.
(with bitter sarcasm) You look great.
Johnny gives her a look like he’s not in the mood.
The photos start up again, and they pose back together as romantic leads.
When the camera stops again, she turns to him:
Is this really it, Johnny? Is that all?
He lights a cigarette and is silent.
Oh, that’s really great, just retreat and go silent...are you ever going to grow up and be a person?
He looks at her, waiting for her to be done.
She tries to keep it together as she walks away.
Official White Version 06/04/09 11.
26 INT. FOUR SEASONS CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY 26 Johnny’s led into a conference room, where he sits down at a table in front of the Hollywood Journalists International.
Some journalists put down bagels at a buffet table in the back of the room and come sit down, joining the others in chairs in front of Johnny.
There’s a guy from Israel, the woman from Italy, etc. They bicker among themselves over who will ask the first question.
ITALIAN JOURNALIST How do you think this role represents Italian-Americans?
Another journalist rolls her eyes as an Indian journalist mutters under his breath: INDIAN JOURNALIST She always goes first.
ARGENTINIAN JOURNALIST This film has a reflection of today’s post-modern globalism?
Johnny waits for more, but that’s it.