在某处Somewhere Movie Script


在比佛利山庄著名的马蒙城堡养伤期间,坏男孩演员约翰尼·马尔科(斯蒂芬·多尔夫饰)接待了他的小女儿克莱奥(埃勒·范宁饰)的来访。尽管他的心思不在养育孩子上,但她有办法融入父亲的日常生活。慢慢地,两人结合在一起,迫使约翰尼重新审视自己的过度生活以及他与克莱奥的关系。 While recuperating from an injury at Beverly Hills' famed Chateau Marmont, bad-boy actor Johnny Marco (Stephen Dorff) receives a visit from his young daughter, Cleo (Elle Fanning). Though his mind is not on parenting, she has a way of inserting herself into her father's daily routine. Slowly, the two bond, forcing Johnny to re-examine his life of excesses and his relationship with Cleo.

56 Later:
56 Cleo drifts off on big pillows on the bed.
There’s a soft knock at the door.
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Johnny goes to the door, opening it to see Sylvia being sweet and docile.
They speak in hushed tones, and her arms reach up around him.
They slip off into an adjoining room.
57 INT. ITALIAN SUITE - MORNING 57 Cleo sits at a room service table set with breakfast for three.
We hear the shower running in the other room, and Sylvia, with wet hair, paces around talking fast and loud in Italian on her cell phone. She’s made herself right at home.
When she gets off the phone, Sylvia sits down with Cleo and tries too hard to befriend her. She tries to talk to her girlto- girl, but talks to her like she’s a 5 year-old.
How old are you, Cleo?
Do you have a boyfriend?
Cleo looks at her, waiting for her to stop talking.
When I was eleven, I was so in love with this boy, Nino Viti...he lived in this big house...Oh, he was so handsome, and he had a scooter... While Sylvia goes on, Johnny enters, fresh out of the shower.
He sits down to breakfast, looking at Cleo sheepishly.
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Cleo smiles at him like “nice one”. She clearly wants Sylvia to leave already.
Do you like to ride a scooter?
58 INT. ITALIAN SUITE - EVENING 58 Sylvia and the room service is gone.
Pupi and his entourage tell Johnny about the awards show.
So, Johnny. We just need to stop by the awards show, it would be great if you can present the award for the best actor and say a few words.
Maybe a story about working with Al Pacino, or something? And then we go to the dinner afterwards, with the Mayor... Johnny is already dreading it.
Cleo enters the room all dressed up.
Johnny turns and looks at her -he sees her for the first time not just as a cute kid, but as the beautiful woman she will become.