在某处Somewhere Movie Script


在比佛利山庄著名的马蒙城堡养伤期间,坏男孩演员约翰尼·马尔科(斯蒂芬·多尔夫饰)接待了他的小女儿克莱奥(埃勒·范宁饰)的来访。尽管他的心思不在养育孩子上,但她有办法融入父亲的日常生活。慢慢地,两人结合在一起,迫使约翰尼重新审视自己的过度生活以及他与克莱奥的关系。 While recuperating from an injury at Beverly Hills' famed Chateau Marmont, bad-boy actor Johnny Marco (Stephen Dorff) receives a visit from his young daughter, Cleo (Elle Fanning). Though his mind is not on parenting, she has a way of inserting herself into her father's daily routine. Slowly, the two bond, forcing Johnny to re-examine his life of excesses and his relationship with Cleo.

She gets in the taxi with her tennis racket and her little suitcase.
Johnny stands with the helicopter behind him. It’s loud and windy from the blades.
He has to yell to be heard, he doesn’t really know what to say.
I’m sorry I haven’t been around more-Cleo looks out the taxi window at him- huh? She can’t hear him over the helicopter blades.
Bye, Cleo.
Cleo gives him a little wave from the window as her taxi leaves.
Official White Version 06/04/09 39.
Johnny gets back in to the helicopter.
88 INT. HELICOPTER - LATE AFTERNOON 88 Johnny looks like- now what?
He looks out the window at the vast landscape below.
89 INT. CHATEAU MARMONT HALLWAY - DUSK 89 Johnny makes the trip down the hallway back to his room.
Some model girls in skimpy outfits and portfolios get out of the elevator and pass him.
We overhear L.A. conversation in the distance.
He gets to his room, as he gets out his key, he sees on the fire escape: A sexy topless woman getting her hair cut by a hairdresser in tight jeans. Little pieces of fallen hair trims cover her chest. She looks at him with a blase look.
He opens his door and goes in his room.
90 INT. JOHNNY’S ROOM -EVE 90 Johnny lies in his bed, staring up at the ceiling.
The lights are low, the carpet is stained. He looks at his suitcase that he never unpacked.
91 INT. JOHNNY’S BATHROOM - DAY 91 Johnny splashes cold water on his face. He looks at himself- looking for something, someone.
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92 INT. JOHNNY’S SUITE -LIVING ROOM DAY 92 Like a ghost, he kicks the room service tray into the hall and shuts the door.
A “do not disturb” sign hangs on the doorknob. There are two other old room service trays piled up to the side.
93 INT. JOHNNY’S ROOM - NIGHT 93 Johnny sits on the floor by the bed talking in to the phone.
There’s a small lamp on in the dark room.