Son of God Movie Script


The Son of God.
Make way for the high priest! Make way for the high priest! Papa! They're coming! Malchus.
Malchus! Malchus, what's happening?
It's another protest, High Priest.
We need to get you out of here.
It's turning into a riot.
Get the master back to his residence quick as you can.
What is all this about?
The aqueduct.
The people are furious that the Romans used the temple funds to build it.
Hundreds are heading to complain to Pilate. What?
He'll have them cut down before they can get anywhere near him.
- Thieves! - Scum! Filthy Roman scum! Just give it back! Jerusalem needs water.
You think your god brings it?
No, he does not.
Rome does.
It's time you understood what your masters do for you.
There's nothing Pilate won't do to keep control.
Martha, what's wrong?
My brother is dead.
Show me the tomb.
He's been dead four days.
I am... the resurrection... and the life.
Anyone who believes in me, even if he dies, he will still have life.