Son of God Movie Script


Jesus! The kingdom is coming! Jesus! The kingdom is coming! Messiah! That's Barabbas.
Messiah! King of Israel, why don't you make us free?
Save us from the Romans, Lord.
We come in peace, Barabbas.
Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! Get out of the way.
Get back.
it's Jesus.
He's going into the temple.
You exchange money here?
Change your money here! Two and a five.
I give you one.
Exchange here! Don't like the look of this.
No! Jesus, please.
Is it not written- Wait.
Is it not written- My house- My house shall be called a house of prayer?
But you- you have made it a den of thieves.
Who are you to tell us this?
We teach the law, not you.
You pray lofty prayers... and love your shows of piety in the temple.
This is outrageous. And you were little help.