Son of God Movie Script


You know him.
I've seen you with him.
I don't know him.
Peter, you will deny me three times.
Don't be afraid.
Take him to Pilate.
Sir, the High Priest Caiaphas and his elders are here to see you.
Prefect, good morning.
Prefect, we need your help.
We have convicted a dangerous criminal.
So? Execute him.
We cannot.
This is a tense time... when my people celebrate... their deliverance from past oppressors.
He claims to be our king... and is whipping up the crowds into a rebellion, a rebellion that could tear Jerusalem apart.
Caesar would not be pleased.
His name.
Jesus of Nazareth.
You better not be wasting my time.
I'll see the prisoner.
So, tell me who you are.
Are you the king of the Jews?
Are you asking, or is it a question coming from others?
Are you a king?
That's what your own people and chief priest... tell me you claim to be.
My kingdom... is not of this world.