Son of God Movie Script


Wait. I can fix it.
Move it! No, my son! Father! MY Son! Clear! Come on.
- Do you need help?
- I'm not looking for any help.
And, besides, there's nothing to help with.
You can't just climb into my boat.
Yeah, you're right.
Give me a helping hand.
Oh- What do you think you're doing?
We're going fishing.
There are no fish out there this time of day.
In fact, there are no fish out here any time of day.
Peter, just give me an hour, and I will give you a whole new life.
Who says I want one?
I'm telling you- There's no fish out there.
There's fish! How did this happen?
What did you do?
I'm giving you the chance to change your life.
Peter, come with me.
Give up catching fish, and I will make you a fisher of men.
What are we gonna do?
Change the world.
When Jesus spoke to me, I followed.
Others joined us.