Son of God Movie Script


With Peter as our leader, we spread the word of Jesus throughout the world, shining the light'... on all creation.
But in the light there was darkness.
Persecuted for our preaching, all of the disciples died for our cause.
Except one.
I must live out my days in exile... alone.
One day, I hope to see my friends again- - - for they are with our Lord.
The people today- the y called you king.
They think you are the Messiah.
Who do you think I am?
You are the Son of God.
What if he's not the one? We're risking our lives for what?
He has shown us his power.
We must have faith in him.
Don't be afraid.
Trust in God.
Trust in me also.
You know the way to where I'm going.
We don't know where you're going.
How can we know the way?
I am the way, the truth... and the life.
I am the alpha... and the omega.
The first... and the last.
The beginning... and the end.
My Lord.
I had been expecting death to come.