Son of God Movie Script


Tell me which is easier- to say his sins are forgiven, or say... get up and walk?
The Son of man has authority to forgive sin.
Friends! What is this about?
Not even Moses himself would have thought he could forgive sin.
You heard what our teacher said.
On what authority does he think he can do this?
On his authority.
That is blasphemy.
Only God can forgive sin.
And your friend... could be stoned for a false claim like this.
This is just the beginning.
Let's go! Greetings, prefect.
Welcome to Judaea.
I hope your time here will be prosperous... and peaceful.
I intend to make sure it is.
From Caesar.
Disorder will not be tolerated.
All taxes must be paid in full! - I'm not doing it.
- It's all I have.
Get it out of here.
Take it away.
No! They're all Jews.
Our own people working for Rome.