Son of God Movie Script


Makes me sick.
Let's move on.
They're stinking vermin.
You should keep your distance from them.
Two men... went to the temple to pray.
One a Pharisee, and the other one... a tax collector.
The Pharisee prayed, God, I thank you that I'm not like other men- thieves, adulterers... or this tax collector.
But the tax collector... didn't even look up to heaven.
He said, - God, have mercy on me.
- Have mercy on me.
I'm a sinner.
God blessed the tax collector, not the Pharisee.
Anyone who praises himself will be humbled.
And anyone who humbles himself will be praised.
Matthew, come.
See! Now he even calls the sinners to follow him! One has to wonder of the sins committed by his other followers.
Come along.
Tax collectors.
There's not a thread of good in any of them.
Thomas, Jesus has not come for the good, but for the sinners.
He gives people a second chance.
We should too.
Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.