Son of God Movie Script


This is a dangerous man.
High Priest, Nicodemus is here to see you.
- Caiaphas.
- Nicodemus.
I've had reports of a young prophet, a Jesus of Nazareth.
He has a big following in Galilee.
It's rumored he'll come to Jerusalem.
He works miracles.
They all do.
Nicodemus, don't worry. Nothing important ever came from Galilee.
A miracle worker from Galilee.
Jesus!Jesus! Looks like a quiet place.
Rope. That's it.
Take the rope.
Lock it off.
Rabbi, let me help you.
it's Jesus! There he is! They've come a long way.
They're hungry.
- Give them food.
- But how? We have nothing.
Just a few fish and some bread.
Bring them to me.
Thank you, Father, for what you bring us.
Our Father in heaven feeds the birds of the air.