Spare Parts 拼凑梦想 (2015) Movie Script



How much can we put you down for, sir?
I'd really love to help, but advisors aren't allowed to donate.
Big disqualifications.
But I'm sure you guys will have good luck out there.
No, I'll fix stuff, but I'm not gonna be that poor kid begging.
All right, look, I get it.
Okay, my last job, I had to beg rich guys for money all the time, and you're right.
It does suck, and it makes you feel all low and pathetic, but you gotta do it.
You gotta put yourself out there or you're never gonna get the grant, you're never gonna get the job... And you're never gonna get the girl.
Like that one?
Really, is that all you guys think about?
In other words, she's out of your league.
Yeah, she's out of everyone's league, thank you.
You should go talk to her.
You guys want me to go over there and ask her out?
- Yeah.
- Yeah. Go!
Are we looking at a teachable moment?
You're so inspiring.
All right.
But remember, this is gonna be harder than anything you guys are gonna ask for today.
- Yeah, we'll keep that in mind.
- Okay.
Hey, Gwen.