Spare Parts 拼凑梦想 (2015) Movie Script



But they did get those first 5 points, so they're up to 20 points.
Five points ain't nothing.
Watch yourself.
- Steady, stay steady!
- I'm gonna fix it.
Go! Yes!
I love that sound.
And Carl Hayden has another 10 points.
That's 30, with half of the course still to go.
You hear that? It's halftime, boys.
Let's finish strong.
There they go, toward the hard stuff.
Come on, Stinky, get it on there.
Drop it steady.
Easy! Easy!
Come on, there we go, there we go.
Come on! Come on!
Steady, yes, yes!
There we go. There we go.
All right, guys.
How far are we from the back wall?
Well, if we knew, we wouldn't have to measure it.
Well, we need to be careful not to because... - Wait, hold on! Is it broken?
- No, look, it's still on.
Easy, easy.