Spare Parts 拼凑梦想 (2015) Movie Script



Luis, more tether!
We got this! We got this!
All right, keep going straight.
Two more meters.
You got it. Go, go, go, go, go, go!
- I can't.
- We must be caught.
It cannot be the tether.
Guys, try another angle.
Go back. Back 10 degrees.
Ten degrees left! Stay steady!
It looks like their thinner tether is enabling them to get inside the cave!
Wow! We're in unchartered territories now, folks.
All right, we're in now!
Take it easy!
All right, Lorenzo, pump.
The pump's working!
We got fluid and pressure!
All right, vamos, surface, surface, come on!
Okay, 2.5 meters up and 30 degrees left!
Luis, stand by to grab the balloon.
All right!
Those are my boys! My boys!
Wow! With 75 points, Carl Hayden has risen to fourth place with 40 seconds left!