Spare Parts 拼凑梦想 (2015) Movie Script



The force is normal to the surface of the object and thus collinear with the radius of curvature for the gripper at that point.
Great! Can you explain that in layman's terms?
Why did you decide to put the ROV electronics on board?
Due to the inefficiency of the motors.
They were 12 volts, 20 amps.
Why did you use inefficient motors?
'Cause we didn't have money for the efficient ones.
Our budget was $12,540.
The ROV itself? $18,863.
- Just under eight, sir.
- 8,000?
No, sir! $800.
Really, $787.16.
But that doesn't include the tampons, I don't know how much they cost.
We had a leak and tampons can, like, absorb, you know, like 80 cc's of water.
What's the difference between weight, mass and density?
Weight is how much the Earth pulls on you.
Gravity and everything.
Mass is how much stuff you're made out of.
Like, I got a lot of mass, but I'm not dense, 'cause density is how close together all the stuff is.
No, sir. No outside help at all.
We had to use 22 gauge wire for the tether.
Nope! Did it all ourselves.
I know that one.
And just one last thing.