再生侠 Spawn Movie Script


在人间之外的天堂与地狱之战绵延不绝,双方都在为自己争取强力的战士。中情局特工西蒙斯(迈克尔·加·怀特 Michael Jai White 饰)厌倦了杀戮的任务,向上司威恩(马丁·辛 Martin Sheen 饰)提出退出,岂料却在朝鲜执行任务时被威恩害死。坠入地狱的西蒙斯与恶魔马里波吉亚达成协议,同意为它统率地狱军队来换得再生报仇的机会。被恶魔雪藏五年的西蒙斯再生回到人间,以再生侠之名示人,并在恶魔走狗——小丑的引领下向威恩复仇。此时研究生化武器着魔的威恩试图统治世界,而他的死亡会引发全球陷入生化灾难。为了复仇的西蒙斯能置全人类的安危于不顾么?

Tell me... how are Cyan and Wanda?
Little girl just had a birthday, didn't she?
They're both fine.
I'm glad to hear that.
Now, let's get something straight.
I run this organization the way I see fit, and I will do whatever is necessary to keep it that way.
Your job is to make damn sure the public agrees with me.
That clear enough?
Yes - Good.
The car is waiting.
Achmed and Abdullah.
Achmed, my friend.
Abdullah, good to see you.
This one here.
Excuse us.
- No...but... Excuse me, sir.
Urgent call.
Gentlemen... Have you made a decision?
Your HEAT-16 test was very impressive.
Tell, me, how do you control delivery of the weapon?
The latest in nanotechnology.
Let me assure you, gentlemen, the weapon is problem-free.
We've already placed orders with several of our allies.
You're becoming quite a powerful man, Mr Wynn.