为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script


故事背景是以南美移民子女为主的洛杉矶加菲莆高中。原来任职电脑公司的伊斯克兰特为施展抱负到该校任教,因该校经费拮据没有电脑,只好改教数学。他用强悍的教学方式台阶驯服了以菲利浦为首的顽劣学生,并帮他们以高分通过了越级考试,不料竟被人怀疑为集体作弊。学生们为了澄清误会决定重考,师生之间合作无间,终创下合格人数之最高纪录,也为该校争取到购卖电脑的经费. Jaime Escalante is a mathematics teacher in a school in a Hispanic neighbourhood. Convinced that his students have potential, he adopts unconventional teaching methods help gang members and no-hopers pass the rigorous Advanced Placement exam in calculus.

Mistakes in simple math.
Because they have the same teacher teaching them the same program.
I taught them step by step, all the same way.
Your students averaged fewer than four wrong on the multiple choice where other schools average 14 to 18 incorrect answers.
Most of your kids finished with time to spare.
They should be rewarded, not punished.
The Educational Testing Service does not act capriciously.
Every major university in the US subscribes to our service.
I'd just like to see proof of wrongdoing.
I'd like to see the tests.
There is no proof of wrongdoing, only a suspicion of cheating.
In this country one is innocent until proven guilty.
Not vice versa.
If you are so confident of their abilities, encourage them to retest.
If they don't, everyone will assume they cheated.
Everyone will assume they cheated if they do.
I want to see the test!
Mr. Escalante, we are psychometricians, thorough to the point of boring.
We're not out to get anyone.
A situation of two students cheating is one thing.
This blanket accusation is saying there was a conspiracy.
Every conspiracy has a leader.
Who better qualify to be the leader than the teacher?