Stay Hungry Movie Script


The Most Inspiring Movies Every Bodybuilder Needs to See. 一个财团想买下整个地区进行重建。他们买下了除“奥林匹克”小体育馆外的所有房子,在那里,奥地利人乔·桑托先生将在一个月前为Universum先生的锦标赛做准备。富有阳光的男孩克雷格·布雷克被辛迪加作为一个假人带进来买健身房。但后来他开始喜欢上了这些人,并爱上了乔的朋友玛丽·泰特。 A syndicate wants to buy a whole district to rebuild it. They've bought every house except the small gym "Olympic", where Mr. Austria Joe Santo prepares for the Mr. Universum championships a month ahead. The rich sunny-boy Craig Blake is brought in by the syndicate as a dummy to buy the gym. But then he starts to like the people and falls in love with Joe's friend Marie-Tate.

He's a man of so many talents.
You remember Mary Tate.
Of course I remember Mary Tate-- the little water ski girl.
I want a word with you, buddy.
- You do?
- Yes, I do. Right now.
- Craig-- - Wait for me.
Just talk to Dorothy.
Chub, I want a bourbon here.
When did you turn vandal anyway?
Now, wait now. I didn't have anything to do with that... and you know it, but I warned you.
Those guys are a natural force.
What did you expect?
Well, that did it.
I'm through, you hear?
Fine. That's just fine.
You just back out and leave me to pick up all the pieces... and all my money tied up in some two-bit jewelry store.
You can't get out now.
I can get out whenever I feel.
You have no concern for obligations.
- You have-- - Obligations?
Yes, obligations.
To what?
To busting up the spa?