绝密飞行 Stealth Movie Script


本(乔什•卢卡斯 Josh Lucas 饰)、凯拉(杰西卡•贝尔 Jessica Biel 饰)和亨利(杰米•福克斯 Jamie Foxx 饰)都是顶尖出色的飞行员。这天,他们接到了一项秘密任务:训练他们的新伙伴"铁蛋"。出人意料的是,"铁蛋"竟然是一架全智能的无人驾驶飞机,他们的任务就是把它训练成为锋利的尖刀。在完成一次飞行任务后,"铁蛋"意外被闪电击中,"铁蛋"因此拥有了情感了自主性。在随后的任务中,总部对当时情况进行考虑后打算放弃任务,岂料"铁蛋"突然飞离编队,将钻地炸弹投入了敌人的核武器库,造成一场前所未有的核灾难。 队长本意识到这样一个智能杀人机器必须立即被摧毁,否则会给人类带来更多的灾难,他立即向总部作了汇报。聪明的"铁蛋"获悉他们的行动,于是一场人机追逐战展开了!

-You sure?
-Fine, thank you.
Rolled on the thighs of mulatto women.
What are you afraid of, Ben?
Being replaced? ls that it?
You afraid EDl's gonna take your job?
No. No, to be honest with you l just don't think war should become some kind of video game.
And how do you feel about black body bags?
What am l supposed to tell all the weeping mothers?
We could've got the job done without sacrificing their children but no, we decided not to because of what?
-Not tradition, it's.... Look, we have things those computers can never have like instincts and feelings and moral judgment.
You can call me old-fashioned, you can call it whatever you want but l just don't think that in war the action should ever be divorced from the consequences.
You don't think l consider the consequences every time l send you up there with bombs?
-l know you do, sir.
-l've dedicated my life to considering the consequences.
l got a bad feeling about this plane.
l don't know, l think it needs more.... l don't know, trials before it's ever put in a combat situation again.
You been talking to Marshfield?
-Sir, you're my commanding officer.
-That's right.
And l guarantee you this thing will be Look, Ben all we need is one more successful mission and this project will be out of the stovepipe and into the light.
Are you with me on this?
-l'm here to make it happen, sir.
-All right.