信条Tenet Movie Script



EXT. TAXIWAY, OSLO AIRPORT – CONTINUOUS The transport plane BARRELS down the taxiway... INT. TRANSPORT PLANE – CONTINUOUS Rohan TOSSES the grenade behind the gold at the tail of the plane and DUCKS as it BLOWS – EXT. TAXIWAY, OSLO AIRPORT – CONTINUOUS BLASTING a hole in the rear of the plane... GOLD BARS POUR OUT, CLATTERING ACROSS THE TARMAC... INT. VAULTS, FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS Hearing the distant explosion, the Protagonist and Neil start PACKING AIR... the Staff Member stares at them, quizzical – Yoga.
(between breaths) INT. COCKPIT, TRANSPORT PLANE – CONTINUOUS Mahir forces the Pilots from their seats – EXT. TAXIWAY, OSLO AIRPORT – CONTINUOUS The INFLATABLE SLIDE BURSTS OPEN, DRAGGING on the asphalt, as the Pilots roll onto it, SCRAMBLING DOWN to the ground, ROLLING AWAY from the giant plane... INT. COCKPIT, TRANSPORT PLANE – CONTINUOUS Mahir TURNS the stick HARD LEFT, AIMING AT THE REAR WALL OF THE FREEPORT – INT. TRANSPORT PLANE – CONTINUOUS Rohan lowers a ladder behind the forward landing gear – he and Mahir climb down – EXT. TAXIWAY, OSLO AIRPORT – CONTINUOUS Mahir and Rohan jump down onto the asphalt, racing back between the wheels as the giant plane SMASHES INTO THE BRICK WALL OF THE FREEPORT, ERUPTING IN A MASSIVE EXPLOSION... INT. VAULTS, FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS The vault is ROCKED by the explosion – ALARMS SCREAM – DOORS START CLOSING – Neil looks, panicked, at the Staff Member –
Ten seconds, right?! The Staff Member BOLTS – PUSHING PAST THEM – they take a last gulp of air – GAS HISSES IN. They pull apart the frames of the documents, BREAKING THEM INTO LOCK-PICKING APPARATUS – lockpicks, small crowbar – they go to work on the INNER DOOR, PRYING open a panel – HOT-WIRING it – the door SLIDES UP – INT. CORRIDOR, FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS They BURST into the corridor, GASPING – the door SLAMS DOWN behind them – they HUSTLE down to the next vault door – get to work. The door opens, they GULP AIR, then RACE inside – INT. VAULT 2, FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS – round the corner past RACKS, CRATES, some BROKEN – stop at the next door, the Protagonist picks the lock – his PICK BREAKS – Neil BOLTS back to where they entered – the Protagonist STRUGGLES, pulling out pieces of the pick – Neil gets to the first door – NO HANDLE – the Protagonist uses a different tool – Neil SMASHES the door, full-blown PANIC – he looks to the end of the vault where the ROLLER DOOR is BROKEN at the bottom, halide gas HISSING OUT – Neil races towards it – the Protagonist gets his door OPEN – Neil STUMBLES past – the Protagonist DRAGS him through the door – INT. INNER CORRIDOR – CONTINUOUS They lie GASPING. Neil hears something, looks around –
(urgent whisper) There’s someone in here with us! The Protagonist is up, moving down the corridor...
They arrive at two doors, side by side:
the Rotas vault. They each work on a door. Neil’s OPENS – NEIL (CONT'D) Need a hand?
The Protagonist works his door... nothing.
Actually, yes.
Neil leans over, hits ‘ENTER’, the door OPENS.
INT. ROTAS VAULT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist enters a room, one side of which is a LONG GLASS WINDOW. Neil is on the other side of the glass, in an IDENTICAL ROOM. There are BULLET HOLES in the glass. At the end of each room is a tube, like a sealed in REVOLVING DOOR.
The Protagonist’s feet crunch BROKEN GLASS... Neil examines BULLET HOLES in the wall opposite the glass.
WISPS of SMOKE gather near the holes – Neil reaches up –
Don’t touch them –
What the hell happened here?
The Protagonist sees a STRIPPED AUTOMATIC PISTOL on the floor. He picks it up, thinking –
It hasn’t happened, yet.
Neil looks at the Protagonist, quizzical – A LOUD HUM STARTS UP from the revolving door... the Protagonist looks down – MOVEMENT beneath his feet – the DEBRIS – SMOKE GATHERS – the revolving doors ROTATE, OPENING – a BLACK-CLAD FIGURE in a GAS MASK LEAPS BACKWARDS from the tube – reaching behind itself to GRAB the stripped automatic in the Protagonist’s hand – On Neil’s side an identical BLACK-CLAD FIGURE LEAPS out FORWARDS – knocks Neil over, moving for the vault door – A SLIDE jumps into the Backwards Figure’s hand – he REASSEMBLES the gun in the Protagonist’s hand – a MAGAZINE jumping up to LOAD IT – BLAM! A bullet is SUCKED OUT OF THE WALL – THROUGH THE GLASS – ‘HEALING’ THE BULLET HOLES – the Protagonist STRUGGLES with the Backwards Figure – whose REVERSE MOVEMENTS seem ALIEN and IMPOSSIBLE – Neil gives chase – RACING out of the vault door – The Backwards Figure pulls the Protagonist sideways, lining up his head with the next bullet hole – BLAM! GLASS FLIES UP as the shot JUST MISSES the Protagonist’s head – INT. CORRIDOR, FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS Neil CHASES the Forwards Figure down the corridor – INT. ROTAS VAULT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist STRUGGLES – the Backwards Figure PUSHES him towards the next bullet hole, STRANGE REVERSE GROANING building in its throat, behind the black gas mask, the GROAN PEAKING AS the Protagonist takes his PICK and STABS the Backwards Figure in the arm and SMACKS the Figure’s gun out of its hand – it BOUNCES out the door – The Figure RISES into the Protagonist’s arms – PULLS him backwards – we can’t tell if it’s PUSHING or the Protagonist is PULLING as they move backwards through the door – INT. CORRIDOR, VAULT – CONTINUOUS The Figure PUSHES/PULLS the Protagonist down the corridor – INT. CORRIDOR, FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS Neil RACES around a corner, GRABS the Figure’s MASK, which COMES OFF – he looks, SURPRISED, at the Figure’s face, WHICH WE CANNOT SEE, then TURNS, RACING back the way he came... INT. CORRIDOR, FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist and the Backwards Figure struggle into – INT. VAULT 2, FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS They SMASH into the racks and crates – the Protagonist GRABS the gun – raises it to the Figure’s head – NEIL (O.S.) NO! Don’t kill him! The Protagonist freezes – Neil steps up, DESPERATE – NEIL (CONT'D) We need to know if you’re compromised.
The Protagonist THROWS the Figure to the ground –
Why are you here?! The Protagonist tries to rip off the gas mask, but it is strapped tight – the REVERSE KEENING gets LOUDER and LOUDER.
The Protagonist STEPS onto the Figure’s injured arm... PROTAGONIST (CONT'D) Who sent you?! The Figure’s reverse screaming gets louder – the Protagonist KICKS its arm, HARD, AGAIN AND AGAIN – PROTAGONIST (CONT'D) HOW DID YOU KNOW WE’D BE HERE! A BOOM! from outside – AIR starts BLOWING ACROSS the Backwards Figure, SUCKING underneath the broken roller door – the Backwards Figure SLIDES impossibly across the floor and underneath the door which SLAMS shut, unbroken behind him.
The Protagonist and Neil look at each other...
We have to go.
EXT. APRON, OSLO AIRPORT – CONTINUOUS One of the plane’s JET ENGINES has come loose, STILL THRUSTING, SWINGING AROUND, wreaking HAVOC for the EMERGENCY SERVICES – an AMBULANCE SKIDS SIDEWAYS, avoiding the THRUST... Mahir and Rohan stand at a distance, watching the MAYHEM along with DOZENS of other UNIFORMED AIRPORT WORKERS... INT./EXT. FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS EMTS race in past the Staff Member... INT. VAULTS, FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS Neil moves to the other door – works the lock – SIRENS sound –
What happened to the other guy?
I took care of him.
The door opens – they slip into the outer vault – INT. OUTER VAULT, FREEPORT – MOMENTS LATER They reassemble the document frames, then LIE DOWN, ‘unconscious’ – EMERGENCY SERVICES BURSTS IN... INT. HOTEL ROOM, OSLO – DAWN Neil hangs up his phone –