PRIYA (CONT'D) They’ll be safe. There’s a rally point offshore at Trondheim. Get yourselves up there... EXT. WIND FARM, NORWAY – DAY Chinooks cross BACKWARDS through WHITE TURBINES. Service boats pull people off ladders. A large ICEBREAKER sits nearby – EXT. ICEBREAKER, BARENTS SEA – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist, IN RESPIRATOR, does PULL-UPS on deck, the movement ‘shaking’ snow back up onto the pipe... PRIYA (V.O.) Ives has a team ready to invert. EXT. ICEBREAKER – DAY The Protagonist watches a CHINOOK long-line a container... PRIYA (V.O.) Fighting fire with fire is a treacherous business, but there are people in the future who need us to continue the algorithm’s journey into the past. You see... Taking a look at the sea CHURNING BACKWARDS into the stern as the inverted ship ‘progresses’, he heads below deck... CUT BACK TO PRIYA IN OSLO –