信条Tenet Movie Script



Kat moves to the Protagonist, in close –
Just keep up your end, okay?
The Protagonist nods. She kisses him.
When it’s over, and you’re raising your boy. Carry this – The Protagonist hands her a DUMB PHONE.
PROTAGONIST (CONT'D) There may be a time and place you feel threatened. Hit talk, state your location, hang up.
Who gets the message?
INT./EXT. CHINOOK – LATER The Protagonist watches the icebreaker recede... EXT. VAST BARREN PLAIN, DUSTED WITH SNOW – DAY Three CHINOOKS zoom low across the barren landscape, followed by another three CHINOOKS long-lining SHIPPING CONTAINERS... INT. CHINOOK – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist sits amongst a DOZEN SOLDIERS. They watch the endless northern plain unroll beneath them... EXT. TENET CAMP – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist gets off the Chinook, watching another Chinook gently set down a container. He follows the others to a tent.
INT. BRIEFING TENT – CONTINUOUS Soldiers in folding chairs facing a screen. The Protagonist looks around – still no Neil. Ives steps up, signals for the
a devastated CITY, grey CONCRETE and ABANDONED industry amongst terraced strip mines...
Stalsk-12. Hidden from the world. A city where anything can happen, and today, gentlemen, for ten minutes, it most assuredly does.
Ives switches to a GRAPHIC:
a childishly simple diagram of a LANDING AREA, BUILDINGS, then an UNDERGROUND CAVERN... IVES (CONT'D) You were divided into two teams for a temporal pincer movement. We are Red team, moving forwards. Our friends out there – (gestures at containers) – Blue team, led by Commander Wheeler, are inverted. One hour from now, they had this briefing...
Neil, in RESPIRATOR, in the front row of Commander Wheeler’s briefing of BLUE TEAM. All are in respirators... BACK TO RED-TEAM BRIEFING – IVES (CONT'D) Then were dropped on the ridge above the hypocentre as close in time to the detonation as possible.
Their objectives were clearance and clarification. This briefing has the benefit of their experience – and yes, some of you specialists are on both teams.
The Protagonist overhears – RED SOLDIER 1 Why don’t they let us see them?
RED SOLDIER 2 Maybe we won’t like what happened.
EXT. COAST OF VIET NAM – DAY A SPEEDBOAT bounces through the chop, Mahir (from the freeport heist) at the helm. Kat, beside him, shields her eyes from the glare as they head towards Sator’s yacht. They pull up some way off. A chopper sits on the yacht.
Mahir hands Kat binoculars – Kat watches her EARLIER SELF and HER SON board the tender and head for shore... INT. BRIEFING TENT – DAY Ives gestures across the whole area on the schematic –
The entire area is radioactive, so both teams wear full protection. To distinguish teams, wear these – A soldier starts passing out RED ARMBANDS...
Neil, in respirator, takes a BLUE ARMBAND, and, like the rest of the team, puts it on... BACK TO RED-TEAM BRIEFING – Ives points to each of the three elements in turn: IVES (CONT'D) Landing zone, LZ, well defended, including ground-to-air ordinance.
We drop in, clear the LZ for Blue team’s evacuation... We make our way into the city proper... these buildings are abandoned, but we learned they have a turnstile in this one... so expect a bi-temporal response.
RED SOLDIER 1 They’ll have inverse ordinance?
Inverse, conventional, forwards antagonists, inverted antagonists – they have it all, and it can all end you. Got it?
Ives goes back to the diagram – IVES (CONT'D) On the other side of the city, the ground rises to the ridge above the hypocentre.
(MORE) IVES (CONT'D) Most of you will proceed up the hill – a splinter unit will take a tunnel from the city to the floor of the hypocentre. Blue team located an entrance here – Ives points to the city’s edge. Then to the CAVERN.