信条Tenet Movie Script



Wheeler! Get out of there! Wheeler! Wheeler hears him – tries to grab the Blue Soldier – MASSIVE CHUNKS OF CONCRETE SCRAPE OVER NEIL’S HEAD, FLYING TOWARDS WHEELER, who DIVES CLEAR – the wall REASSEMBLES ON TOP OF the Blue Soldier, CRUSHING HIM... Neil winces. Starts crawling for better cover... checks his
watch – ‘6:
24’,‘6:23’... EXT. PRIVATE DECK, SATOR’S YACHT – LATE AFTERNOON Sator looks past Kat to the lowering sun.
It’s going to be a beautiful sunset. I’ll get Max brought back – we should share the moment with him.
Sator picks up the phone. Kat looks at the shore, uneasy... EXT. CITY STREETS, STALSK-12 – DAY Ives and the Protagonist shelter as Red team exchanges fire with the Enemy further up the street. The Protagonist checks his watch – ‘5:15’, ‘5:14’...
Let’s go. We’re running out of time.
If they see us, it’s all for nothing.
We need a distraction.
Ives looks ahead to the LEANING RUIN OF A BUILDING TOP...
Don’t worry about that... EXT. CITY STREETS – DAY Neil checks his watch – ‘5:10’, ‘5:09’... frustrated, pinned down, he looks around for a way to break cover... Commander Wheeler, with the rest of Blue team, SHELTERS in the shadow of the RUINED BASE of a building, pinned by ENEMY FIRE from the base of the building...
RPG! Take out the base – on my mark – She checks her watch – ‘5:04’, ‘5:03’... The BLUE RPG SOLDIER takes aim... EXT. CITY STREETS, STALSK-12 – DAY The Protagonist spots SMALL DEBRIS ROLLING across the street... GATHERING MOMENTUM... Ives!
Ives sees LARGER and LARGER debris is ROLLING down the street towards the LEANING RUIN OF A BUILDING TOP...
It’s about to get distracting... He signals a RED RPG SOLDIER... IVES (CONT'D) On my mark! He looks at his watch – ‘5:01’, ‘5:00’ – Fire! IVES (CONT'D) The leaning ruin THRUSTS UPWARDS – EXT. CITY STREETS, STALSK-12 – DAY Wheeler watches as the Leaning Ruin’s UPPER STOREYS REASSEMBLE, as its BASE EXPLODES... EXT. CITY STREETS, STALSK-12 – DAY The Protagonist takes cover as the Leaning Ruin’s BASE REASSEMBLES as its UPPER STOREYS EXPLODE... the Protagonist and Ives race at the tunnel entrance – the GREY TRUCK RACES at them as they dive for the tunnel... EXT. CITY STREETS, STALSK-12 – DAY Wheeler ducks as the weight of the upper storeys COLLAPSES the building... Neil lifts his head after the EXPLO/IMPLOSION. Clear. He gets up and starts RUNNING... EXT. TUNNEL ENTRANCE, STALSK-12 – DAY The Protagonist and Ives RACE into the tunnel, HITTING A TRIPWIRE WHICH BLOWS THE TUNNEL ENTRANCE DOWN BEHIND THEM AS THEY JUMP INSIDE... EXT. PRIVATE DECK, SATOR’S YACHT – LATE AFTERNOON Sator hangs up. He holds a SILVER PILL in the sunlight, studying it...
What’s that?
I borrowed it from the CIA.
But what is it?
The way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper.
I don’t understand.
When I take this, it’s all over.
Then don’t take it, yet.
Sator looks at her, needing her to care.
Why not?
We’ve got the sunset coming and a little vodka left...
And Max will be here soon... they thought it was you, not Anna, on shore with Max.
Kat steps up in front of Sator, seductive...