信条Tenet Movie Script



She jumped the gun – she killed him! The Protagonist looks at Ives, ashen – A LINE DROPS BETWEEN THEM – EXT. HYPOCENTRE RIDGE, STALSK-12 – CONTINUOUS Neil is at the wheel of the truck. Through the rear-view mirror he looks at his line running into the hole. Through the windshield he watches Red and Blue soldiers finish loading and LIFT OFF. He checks his watch – ‘00:09’,
08’... F*** it –
He GUNS it, PULLING AWAY FROM THE HOLE – INT. HYPOCENTRE, STALSK-12 – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist and Ives are YANKED into the air, the Protagonist CLUTCHING the algorithm – as they approach the rocky edge of the hole, Ives raises his boots to cushion the – IMPACT! They BOUNCE PAINFULLY over the lip – EXT. HYPOCENTRE RIDGE, STALSK-12 – CONTINUOUS The truck DRAGS them along the rocky ground, away from the hole as... BOOOOM!!!! THE ROCKY GROUND BUCKLES WITH FORCE – SMOKE and FLAMES BLAST up out of the hole in an ANGRY PLUME – The ground around the hole COLLAPSES IN AN EVER-GROWING RADIUS – The line SNAPS, leaving the Protagonist and Ives TUMBLING to a stop... The SUBSIDENCE approaches, SLOWING, SLOWING... the ground OPENS UP under the Protagonist – Ives GRABS HIM – the Protagonist has the algorithm in his hands, Ives PULLS him back onto solid ground... EXT. LZ, STALSK-12 – DAY Wheeler PULLS a last Blue team soldier into the container as her watch hits ZERO – the container door SLAMS shut – BLUE TEAM SOLDIER Do you think they made it?
EXT. PRIVATE DECK, SATOR’S YACHT – SUNSET Kat picks up the shell casing, drops it in the diver’s bag, zips it up, attaches the lanyard to her ankle, sprays down the deck, WASHING away BLOOD and SUNSCREEN... Kat steps up to the railing. Watches Mahir, down below, getting a line on Sator’s body. Kat glances over at the TENDER ARRIVING WITH HER EARLIER SELF AND HER SON... Kat DIVES, ARCING GRACEFULLY THROUGH THE SUNSET... Kat’s earlier self, stepping onto the yacht, catches a glimpse of a graceful form SLICING into the water. She looks, CURIOUS, but Max TUGS her sleeve and she turns.
EXT. COAST OF VIET NAM – CONTINUOUS On Mahir’s SPEEDING boat, Kat hands Mahir the diver’s bag and looks up ahead to the last light of day...
(over radio) Kat, you jumped the gun! Mahir hands her the radio –
I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t let him die thinking he’d won. And I knew you’d find a way.
Silence. She glances Mahir, suddenly concerned – KAT (CONT'D) Wait, you found a way? We’re okay, right?
(over radio) Yeah. We found a way. Be safe.
Mahir’s boat SPEEDS AWAY through the twilight DRAGGING Sator’s body behind.
EXT. WINDSWEPT PLAIN OUTSIDE STALSK-12 – EVENING A Chinook swirls snow around the blasted ruins... Ives and the Protagonist slump, bruised, exhausted, gas masks off, breathing hard. On the ground between them – the matte-black algorithm... Neil approaches, removing his gas mask...
I thought you were inverted.
Changed gears halfway – you needed help here.
We needed help down there.
(to Protagonist) How’d you get that lock open?
It wasn’t me.
(to Neil) Didn’t your team need you?
I’ll get them on the next pass.
Right, Ives?
Once I’ve caught my breath.
The Protagonist reaches for the algorithm – Ives PULLS it out of his reach – his gun laying casually across his leg. As Neil and the Protagonist watch, Ives takes his weapon in hand, gets to his feet... He lifts the algorithm... looks around at the deserted plain above Stalsk-12... IVES (CONT'D) Nice and private.
Ives SEPARATES the algorithm into THREE COMPONENTS –
No one who’s seen this leaves the field...
We hide it, we end our lives. It’s the only way to be sure.
Ives TOSSES them each one component... IVES (CONT'D) But as to when... Ives HOLSTERS his sidearm.