信条Tenet Movie Script



EXT. EUROPEAN PORT – DAY The Protagonist disembarks with the rest of the wind-farm crew. As they file past a car the driver, also in hi-viz, steps out into line, leaving the door open, engine running.
The Protagonist gets in. The GPS is already set... EXT. OFFICE COMPLEX – LATER A bland suburban office park. The Protagonist gets out of the car, wearing his hi-viz and carrying a clipboard. Heads inside, passing numerous STAFF coming out... INT. LOBBY, OFFICE COMPLEX – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist moves through the lobby unimpeded. Checking the tenant listings he sees – ‘WINDFARM TRANSITIONS – B-2’.
INT. CORRIDOR – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist walks up to B-2.
FEMALE VOICE (O.S.) With a hi-viz vest and a clipboard, you can get almost anywhere.
The Protagonist turns to find a brusque young woman. This is BARBARA. He joins his hands, interlacing the fingers...
A pretty obscure tenet.
Using a key card, she ushers him through a door into – INT. OFFICE, LABORATORY – CONTINUOUS Barbara hands the Protagonist a cup of tea.
No small talk, nothing that might reveal who we are, or what we do.
I thought I was here to find out what we do.
You’re not here for ‘what’, you’re here for ‘how’. ‘What’ is your department. And not my business.
Well, to do what I do, I need some idea of the threat we face.
Barbara considers the Protagonist. Sips her tea.
As I understand it, we’re trying to prevent World War Three.
Nuclear holocaust?
No. Something worse.
INT. SHOOTING RANGE – MOMENTS LATER Barbara hands the Protagonist a semi-automatic. He reflexively checks the chamber and magazine – EMPTY.
Aim it and pull the trigger.
The Protagonist SHRUGS, lifts the empty pistol, sights a target 25m away with several holes in it... He squeezes the trigger – BAM! – a shot. He is CONFUSED... BARBARA (CONT'D) Check the magazine.
The Protagonist checks the clip – THERE IS A ROUND IN IT.
Barbara pulls on PROTECTIVE GLOVES and removes the round from the clip, placing it next to an identical one on a table.
One of these bullets is, like us, travelling forwards through time.
The other one’s going backwards.
Can you tell which is which?