信条Tenet Movie Script

杰瑞发布于26 Oct 11:33


I’m assuming I have a budget.
(tosses him a credit card) Save the world, then we’ll balance the books. Can I recommend a tailor?
I’ll manage. You British don’t have a monopoly on snobbery, you know.
Not a monopoly. More of a controlling interest.
The Protagonist rises, taking the credit card and the bag.
Thanks for this. By the way, is she a Kate or a Kathy?
A Kat, I believe.
The waiter arrives, bearing food, supervised by the Steward.
Could you box that for me?
Certainly not.
The Protagonist smiles at Crosby, who nods goodbye.
Goodbye, Sir Michael.
EXT. WEST LONDON PRIVATE SCHOOL – DAY Mothers stand at the railings waiting for their kids. One of them, a smart YOUNG WOMAN, stands a little apart from the group. SCHOOLKIDS pile out of the school... INT./EXT. CAR – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist watches from across the road as the Young Woman SPOTS her son. She offers him her hand, but he reaches up to take his NANNY’S. She moves her hand to pick something off his jumper before he is put into the back of a BLACK RANGE ROVER with tinted windows.
The Protagonist watches the Young Woman wave at the departing car carrying her child. Utterly alone.
EXT. SHIPLEY’S, LONDON – DAY A BENTLEY pulls up – a DOORMAN opens the rear door, the Protagonist emerges, IMMACULATELY TAILORED, holding a beautiful leather briefcase.
INT. SHIPLEY’S – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist is approached by a REPRESENTATIVE –
How can I help, sir?
I have an appraisal with Ms Barton.
(to receptionist) Tell Kat her client is in the Fallow Room.
INT. APPRAISAL ROOM – MOMENTS LATER The Protagonist admires the paintings on the walls. The door opens and the Young Woman from the school gates comes in, dressed for business. This is KAT BARTON. She looks bemused, but gives him a genuine and friendly smile –
I’m sorry, I wasn’t notified of any appointments, Mr... Goya?
Mr Goya?
The Protagonist opens his briefcase...
No, I’m told you’re the person to see about... Offers the drawing to her Goya.