信条Tenet Movie Script



Please, let’s go.
The Gaunt Russian does not react, but watches through the rear-view mirror as a THUG enters the kitchen – KAT (CONT'D) Can we get going?
INT. RESTAURANT KITCHEN – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist enters the kitchen, followed by the two thugs. CHEFS and BUSBOYS retreat as the other thug approaches... INT./EXT. ALLEY BEHIND RESTAURANT – CONTINUOUS Kat turns from the window – Please!
He wants you to see... INT. RESTAURANT KITCHEN – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist JACKKNIFES HIS LOWER LEG UP into the crotch of the thug behind him – SPINS him into the Thug next to him – POTS and Pans flying – INT. RESTAURANT – CONTINUOUS Volkov wipes sauce with bread, enjoying noises from the kitchen... INT. RESTAURANT KITCHEN – CONTINUOUS The Third Thug SWINGS – the Protagonist DODGES, takes the blow on the shoulder – SLAMS his head into the Third Thug’s neck, leaving him GASPING – the Protagonist GRABS the Third Thug, RACING for the WINDOW... INT./EXT. MERCEDES – CONTINUOUS Kat FLINCHES as, with a CRASH of plates, a body TUMBLES down the stairs...
And he gets what he wants.
Then she sees something else... the Protagonist exits.
Not always, apparently.
EXT. ALLEY BEHIND RESTAURANT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist brushes himself clean, SPOTS the Mercedes, starts moving towards it – INT./EXT. MERCEDES – CONTINUOUS The Gaunt Russian SCRAMBLES to get the car moving. Kat looks back at the Protagonist as the car ROARS away... EXT. SCHOOL GATES – DAY Kat is crouched, talking to her son, MAX. The Nanny hovers
Anna says we’re going to Pompeii and see lava.
We’ll go together. I’ll be there, too.
Max looks up at the Nanny. Kat hugs him, tight. The Nanny TAPS Kat on the shoulder. Kat smiles at her son, tears in her eyes, as the car pulls away. She pulls out her phone, dials... hears a RINGTONE behind her – The Protagonist is there.
I said I’d surprise you. He’s a cute kid.
Max. He’s everything.
Where’s the drawing?
Oslo. At the airport.
The airport?
a Rotas car drives across an airport apron, and down a ramp...
Do you know what a freeport is?
A storage facility for art that’s been acquired – ...into a SLEEK facility – the OSLO FREEPORT – as a STAFF MEMBER stands ready to greet a new CLIENT... KAT (V.O.) But not yet taxed. We started a network – Rotas, his construction company, built them, I brought in clients. The facilities are tax havens... The client is NEIL... he takes in the security arrangements... PROTAGONIST (V.O.) The clients can view their investments – EXT. OSLO OPERA HOUSE – DAY The Protagonist is standing on the roof of the Oslo Opera House, briefing Neil... PROTAGONIST (V.O.) – without importing them, so they avoid paying tax.
Sort of a transit lounge for art?
We go back to Kat, on the street, briefing the Protagonist...
Art, antiques, anything of value, really.