信条Tenet Movie Script



(into radio) Three trucks in place...
(over radio) Watch everything, give me all the details... INT. STORAGE FACILITY, TALLINN FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS Sator sits in the shadows, listening intently... EXT. TALLINN STREETS – CONTINUOUS The BMW ZIPS ahead, weaving through traffic, pulls alongside the fire truck.
The Protagonist, DRESSED AS A FIREFIGHTER, jumps out of the BMW and grabs onto the side of the fire truck, BANGING the side to signal the driver. The fire truck pulls out onto the three-lane highway... INT./EXT. FIRE TRUCK – CONTINUOUS The fire truck pulls alongside the nuclear convoy, slotting in on the left, so that the convoy is now SURROUNDED... the Protagonist CLIMBS onto the roof beside the ladder, puts on a pair of heavy-duty gloves, pulls a diagonal backpack around onto his front, checking his tools.
Blue Co-pilot and Yellow Co-pilot COUNT DOWN in unison – BLUE CO-PILOT (over radio) Five, four, three, two, one, go... Blue truck, behind the convoy, GUNS THE ACCELERATOR, as yellow truck, in front of the convoy, SLAMS ON THE BRAKES... The two SUVS are ACCORDIONED against the nuclear truck, then CARRIED FORWARD WITH THE NUCLEAR TRUCK as the coloured trucks CLOSE FORMATION and PULL FORWARD, maintaining pace – Go yellow! BLUE CO-PILOT (CONT'D) The YELLOW CO-PILOT in the broadcast truck sends out STATIC – INT./EXT. SECURITY SUV – CONTINUOUS The SECURITY DRIVER is trying the radio – STATIC... INT. CONTROL CENTRE, TALLINN POLICE – CONTINUOUS A POLICE OPERATOR is frowning, trying the radio. He calls to his SUPERVISOR –
(in Estonian, subtitled) – Radio’s down. –
(in Estonian, subtitled) – Are they still moving? – The Police Operator checks his screen – NODS... EXT. TALLINN STREET – CONTINUOUS TYRES HOWLING, the convoy GRINDS forward – Blue Co-pilot tosses a DYE PACK onto the windshield of the SUV – it BLASTS across the glass, obscuring the view – Yellow Co-pilot does the same in the front – the Guards are now BLIND, CANNOT OPEN THEIR DOORS OR SHOOT OUT THROUGH THE BULLET-PROOF VEHICLES... The Protagonist CLIMBS ONTO THE LADDER, lying on top... Inside, the Red Co-pilot operates the ladder controls... The ladder SWINGS OUT AT NINETY DEGREES, hanging the Protagonist DIRECTLY OVER THE NUCLEAR TRUCK... he PULLS a frame from his pack, unfolds it – fixes it to the roof. The ladder SWINGS him away – the frame EXPLODES – he SWINGS back through the smoke to find an OPENING and climbs into – INT. NUCLEAR TRANSPORTATION TRUCK – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist lands, gets his bearings, finds the SAFE. He reaches into his pack... EXT. TALLINN STREET – CONTINUOUS An Estonian POLICE CAR pulls up behind the fire truck – the POLICEMEN spot SPARKS from the dragging bumper of the SUV – the Policeman Passenger tries his radio... STATIC... INT. NUCLEAR TRANSPORTATION TRUCK – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist affixes a CHARGE to the safe – he runs a wire, pushing back into the farthest corner – BLASTS the door open – INT./EXT. FIRE ENGINE – CONTINUOUS Watching the Police through his mirror, Red Passenger rolls down his window and props his ASSAULT RIFLE on the sill... INT. NUCLEAR TRANSPORTATION TRUCK – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist reaches into the safe... PULLS OUT an ORANGE PLASTIC CASE... reaches up to climb through the roof... INT./EXT. FIRE TRUCK – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist, orange case in hand, CLIMBS onto the ladder – Red Passenger SWINGS his rear-opening door out and SHOOTS OUT the engine block of the police car which DROPS BACK as – The fire-truck ladder SWINGS the Protagonist back onto the fire truck – he climbs down onto the side – the BMW pulls alongside – he JUMPS into the car, which SPEEDS away... INT./EXT. BMW, TALLINN STREET – CONTINUOUS Neil, driving, glances at the orange case – We got it!
The Protagonist opens the latches, flips open the lid... revealing the BLACK METAL SHAPE the size of a softball.
I’ve seen samples of encapsulation in every weapons class – this is not one of them.
Neil looks back at the Protagonist. Serious.
It’s what he’s after.
The Protagonist looks around at the surrounding traffic...
Check the radio chatter.
Neil clicks on the radio – EMPHATIC GIBBERISH...
I can’t understand –
You said you spoke Estonian –
It’s not Estonian, it’s... backwards – Up ahead, an Audi is weaving through traffic, towards them, BACKWARDS... Neil STARES... The hell?
NEIL (CONT'D) The BACKWARDS-RUNNING AUDI flies at them, CLIPPING the wing mirror, ‘HEALING’ its crack. Behind them it SPINS AROUND, to CHASE them, still running BACKWARDS... The BMW DODGES around traffic, trying to lose the backwards Audi, which pulls up to the back bumper – then ALONGSIDE – in the back is Sator, black eyes peering over a RESPIRATOR, a gun to Kat’s head. She is BOUND and GAGGED, eyes TERRIFIED – Sator rolls the rear window down, holds up his hand, FINGERS EXTENDED. He C*CKS the gun at Kat’s head then starts COUNTING DOWN on his fingers... the Protagonist looks down at the BLACK METAL SHAPE in the case... NEIL (CONT'D) You can’t give it to him! The Protagonist LIFTS the closed case, LOWERS the window...
This isn’t plutonium.
Sator is down to TWO FINGERS... Ahead of them in the road, the Protagonist sees a CRASHED, SMOKING, UPSIDE-DOWN SAAB...
It’s worse, goddammit! Both cars race towards the crashed Saab, which starts SHAKING as they approach – as they pass, THE CRASHED SAAB ROLLS VIOLENTLY OVER AND OVER between them until it is on its wheels, RACING BACKWARDS ahead of them, UNDAMAGED – Neil regains his line, looks over at Sator who holds up his LAST FINGER... the Protagonist looks ahead to the Saab, STRUCK BY AN IDEA... the Protagonist looks at Sator – Then TOSSES the orange case at him – The Saab brakes, CUTTING BETWEEN THE TWO CARS... THE ORANGE CASE GLANCES OFF ITS WINDSHIELD, INTO SATOR’S HANDS... A forwards-driving Mercedes pulls up alongside the backwards- driving Audi. Sator opens the rear door – he and the Audi driver climb BACKWARDS into the Mercedes – LEAVING KAT IN THE ACCELERATING BACKWARDS AUDI – the Mercedes DROPS FAR BEHIND the BMW, Neil WATCHES – NEIL (CONT'D) He’s getting away!
He left her in the car! Neil looks forward to the backwards Audi, SPEEDING AWAY – INT./EXT. BACKWARDS AUDI – CONTINUOUS NO ONE IS AT THE WHEEL as the car continues to accelerate – Kat lies in the back, breathing, groaning, but unconscious... INT./EXT. BMW, TALLINN STREET – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist stares ahead at the backwards Audi –
Pull up alongside... Neil looks back at the receding Mercedes, followed by the BACKWARDS SAAB... he turns – RACING to pull alongside the runaway backwards Audi, the Protagonist OPENS his door... – Ahead, a LOGJAM of traffic... The Protagonist FUMBLES to open the Audi door.
Kat! Kat! PROTAGONIST (CONT'D) In the back, Kat swings her bound legs around – – The LOGJAM of cars and buses LOOMS CLOSER... The Protagonist OPENS the Audi door, but his own door hits it and SLAMS IT CLOSED AGAIN... – The LOGJAM is DANGEROUSLY CLOSE... The Protagonist OPENS it again, Kat JAMS it open with her feet – the Protagonist CLIMBS ACROSS and PUSHES THE BRAKE WITH HIS HAND... The Audi SKIDS to a halt, the BMW ZOOMING PAST... The Protagonist starts to untie Kat, fumbling with his radio – The BMW SKIDS to a halt, Neil JUMPS OUT – a CAR SKIDS to a halt between the BMW and the Audi – BLAM, BLAM! Neil DUCKS, avoiding GUNFIRE –
(over radio) Sit tight – I’m calling in the cavalry.
What cavalry?! SMASH!!! The Protagonist and Kat are THROWN LIKE RAG DOLLS across the car – the Mercedes has SWIPED the nose of the Audi – Volkov lays down COVER FIRE, pinning Neil as Sator’s men descend on the CRASHED Audi and pull the PROTAGONIST out of the car – shoving him around the back of the Mercedes. Kat is pulled from the wreck and put into the Mercedes – As they put the Protagonist INTO THE TRUNK, he sees Sator MOVING BACKWARDS behind the line of cars, from the BMW... EXT. DOCKSIDE AREA, EDGE OF TALLINN – MOMENTS LATER The TRUNK OPENS – the Protagonist is PULLED OUT. Marched towards an entrance, he sees, through a steel fence dividing the yard in two, SATOR, IN RESPIRATOR, WALKING BACKWARDS, PULLING KAT, FORWARDS, TOWARDS A DIFFERENT ENTRANCE... The Protagonist passes a stack of SHIPPING CONTAINERS, several of which are marked OSLO FREEPORT... INT. STORAGE FACILITY, TALLINN FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist is taken past the table of weapons, through a large door, and through RED DOORS with a PORTHOLE... INT. TURNSTILE, TALLINN FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS Into A LONG CHAMBER DIVIDED IN TWO BY A GLASS WINDOW – A MUCH BIGGER VERSION OF THE ROTAS VAULT. The Russians push the Protagonist into a chair. This side is lit by RED LIGHT.