The Big Short大空头(2015) Movie Script



This market will last!
Actually, can I talk to a mortgage broker?
Anybody you recommend? Anybody you like?
Yes, yes, there's someone, absolutely!
Yeah, b*tch better like me, sent her ass to Cabo!
So is Morgan Stanley recruiting us?
Is that..
No, eh no.
The bank owns our hedge-fund we're not really a part of it, we invest in financial service companies.
We're trying to understand the residential mortgage business.
How many loans do you write each month?
I don't know, about six what was it four years ago?
Ten... but maybe fifteen.
I was a bartender, now I own a boat!
So, how many of these are eh..
Adjustable rate mortgages?
Well, most.
Yeah, I'd say about ninety percent the bonuses on those skyrocketed a few years ago adjustables are bread and honey so, do applicants ever get rejected?
Look if they get rejected I suck at my job!
Even if they have no money?
Well, my firm offers a ninja loan.
No income no job application, I just leave the income-section blank if I want.
Corporate doesn't care.
These people just want homes, and they go with the flow.