The Big Short大空头(2015) Movie Script



You're convinced the underlying mortgages in these bonds are solid loans?
That is our opinion yeah.
Oh crack the tape!
Have you looked at the loan-level data?
What you think we do here all day?
They're giving these loans to anyone with a credit-score and a pulse what do you think we do here all day?
Not sure, I guess that's why we're here.
What I don't understand we can't re-recheck and then check again!
If these mortgage-bonds are so stable, so solid have you ever refused to rate?
You're delusional!
We stand behind it Georgia!
Have you ever refused to rate any of these bonds upper-tranches AAA?
Can we see the paperwork on those?
Oooh, I'm under no obligation to share that information with you, whoever you might be.
Just answer the question Georgia, can you name one time in the past year?
Where you checked the tape and you didn't give the banks the AAA-percentage they wanted?
If we don;T give them the ratings, they'll go to moody's right down the block.
If we don't work with them they will go to our competitors not our fault, simply the way the world works.
Holy sh*t!
Ah yes, now you see it!
And I never said that!
You're selling ratings for fee's a ratings shop you could afford to make less, make less.
Nobody said that!
And it is not my decision, I have a boss.
Are you kidding me?