The Big Short大空头(2015) Movie Script



You hear the words that are coming out of my mouth.
Sorry I'm late, no cabs!
Aah so get this... I met with this retail banker yesterday..
I'm supposed to be getting him to invest in a fund, instead, I start drilling him about overdraft analysis and how his bank will let customers write ten... twelve cheques before telling them they're overdrawing.
And this creep... Is making billions off screwing over people this way.
And I'm getting madder and madder, and I ask him.
I look him in the face and I say: How can you sleep at night, knowing... That you're ripping off working people.
And know what he did... He left!
He just walks out of the lunch, doesn't say a word.
What the f*** is that?
Who's f***ed up in that scenario?
Am I?
Or is this douche-bag?
Who leaves me hanging... Is he the f***ed up one?
Trying to make me feel bad about myself!
We have talk about this numerous times f*** him! -You can't come in late and hijack the entire session!
What do you mean, I didn't hijack the meeting.
Did I hijack this session?
Yeah what do you do?
I'm in commodities.
Good luck with that!
Marc... I know you've suffered a terrible loss, do you want to talk about that?
I don't talk about that.
Hold on... Hold on..
Sh*t.. Let's take this, sorry!