The Big Short大空头(2015) Movie Script



You're praising the swaps, like the bond is gonna collapse even though the bond-value is going up? Really?
Exciting times!
What the hell is going on?!
Lewis, can you come early tomorrow, please?
I need to unload the aig and country-wide Freddy Mac positions so we can afford the premiums on the core mortgage-shorts on the swaps no problem Dr. burry Dr. burry!
If the investors withdraw, what's gonna happen here?
Are we done?
Honestly I don't know!
The, the... The bonds aren't going down!
They won't move!
It's possible that we are in a completely fraudulent system.
Or... you're, you're wrong.
It's possible, I just don't know how!
I guess... When... Someone's wrong, they never..
They never... Know how!
See you in the morning!
Even bear up their prices!
They keep calling us brownhall you just don't have the money or the reputation, don't take it personal!
I don't think I have the strip-club in me tonight I'm just gonna get some drinks around.
Watch some pay-per-view book us some flights out for the morning.
D- d-deal, we need a deal, right, a deal.
Uhm, we need a deal we can afford, we need a deal they're not gonna refuse!
So... what can we do?