The Big Short大空头(2015) Movie Script



Whoah, I just got really scared!
First of all, great show today!
You were terrific!
Thank you!
Your big mouth was a revelation!
I appreciate that!
You worried you, and your swaps were getting played?
Well, this is an opportunity for you to meet who you're betting against!
Try not to get too righteous and listen a little!
Ok, fine!
Who is this guy?
A real solid-gold a**hole!
I'm a cdo-manager a cdo-manager?
Yup, at Harding advisors I didn't realize that there was anything to manage with cdo's oh, well.
We select the securities that go into the cdo-portfolio and monitor the assets I do most of meryll-lynch's cdo's do you represent the investors or meryll-lynch?
The investors!
You do.
But... Meryll-lynch isn't gonna send you any costumers unless you put merrill-lynch's bonds in your cdo... Good question!
Let's just assume merrill and I have a... We have a good relationship you have a good relationship with merrill-lynch?
We've been doing business together and so the cdo's..
That you create are, are, are, of the highest quality and the highest of value!
Are you at all concerned about the rising default-rates?