The Big Short大空头(2015) Movie Script



Sh*t! It's thirty-two yeah it's f***ing tanked man that's my two cents, thank you!
I'm gonna drop a deuce at deutsche does our bull have a response?
Only that in the entire history of wall-street, no investment-bank has ever failed, unless caught in criminal activities.
So, yes!
I stand by my bear-stearns optimism.
Mister Miller, I'm sorry!
Quick question!
From the time you guys started talking, bear-stearns' stock is falling more than thirty-eight percent would you still buy more?
Yeah, sure!
Ofcourse I'd buy more, why not?
Jesus Christ!
Oh no! That comcludes the first part of our presentation up next, we have the legendary, former, chairman of the fed, Alan greenspan!
Employees of lehmann brothers today, -as the wall-street giant's stock went to zero!
The collapse of the venerable New York bank follows a tumultuous few months of market volatility, and fear for the world economy... I gotta see inside how?
Come on I left my phone in the office, I threw my pass out already, do you mind if I take your pass?
Borrow it? I don't give a sh*t anymore, you can do what you want!
Go directly to your transportation, do not talk to the press! -So that's it?
After eighteen years!
Go directly to your transportation, do not talk to the press! -I just leave? That's just f***ing great, I can talk to whomever the hell I want!
Do not talk to the press!
Go directly to your transportation, do not talk to the hey look, you want to get a bit tonight?
There's this ehm... This new Cuban place just opened at the lower east side, so I suppose we could..