The China Hustle Movie Script


An unsettling and eye-opening Wall Street horror story about Chinese companies, the American stock market, and the opportunistic greed behind the biggest heist you've never heard of.

- I'm 68 years old.
So where did the money go?
To the bankers and lawyers, who helped set up the deals.
And to the Chinese executives who made millions while their companies collapsed.
I don't know what's worse, that the executives were beyond the reach of the law, or that the enablers on Wall Street were operating inside the law, just doing their jobs.
One way or another, almost all of them got away with it, scot-free.
One exception, was Rodman & Renshaw.
Do you have just a moment, General?
During the heyday of the reverse-merger boom, they doled out almost $18 million in bonuses to their executives.
But their problems caught up with them.
In 2012, they paid a $315,000 fine and surrendered their brokers license.
Soon after, they filed for bankruptcy.
So I want to make sure you understand.
My investment bank is called Enverra.
- Right.
- It's not Rodman & Renshaw.
- Right.
- I was the chairman of Rodman & Renshaw, I was not a banker at Rodman & Renshaw.
I didn't have anything to do with the financial transactions in China.
That wasn't me.
I'm the guy that told them, "You got a problem with it." And I left the company, uh, a year or so, 18 months after that, from the board.
My question is, who did he tell?
How about, "And then I went down to Washington and saw all the people that I know while I was running for president... and told them what was going on"?
I don't think I want to be in the film.