The China Hustle Movie Script


An unsettling and eye-opening Wall Street horror story about Chinese companies, the American stock market, and the opportunistic greed behind the biggest heist you've never heard of.

If this one company is so brazenly fraudulent, what does that say about the rest of the market?
Over 300 reverse mergers with businesses operating in China.
This whole thing could be fraudulent.
And that money could never be recovered, and if you got caught, there was no consequences.
When you talk about the investment banks, especially the bigger ones, fraud is baked into the income statement.
How many investment banks have had to pay fines this year for fraud?
Wells Fargo? Check.
Bank of America has in the past.
Morgan Stanley has in the past.
Nobody's going to jail.
It's a fine.
So it becomes part-- it becomes part of what you budget.
You budget for fraud.
Maybe Dan's fixation on fraud comes from the fact that Flint, Michigan, where he grew up, is the victim of a kind of fraud.
Big companies made big promises to the people who lived there, and in the end, they couldn't keep them.
Dan saw firsthand how lies coming from corporate offices actually affect real people on the ground.
Where other finance guys see market machinations, Dan sees his hometown, busted, full of ghosts.
This was a pretty nice area 30 years ago.
This was a school.
By today's standards, it was pretty violent.
I mean, I can't even imagine 10, 11, and 12-year-old kids swinging bats at each other today.
No, I was definitely-- I was happy growing up here, for sure.