异种教师 The Faculty Movie Script


A horror tale set in a High School where the students suspect the teaching staff of being aliens, who are intent on making the students their victims.一个恐怖故事发生在一所高中,学生们怀疑教职员工是外星人,他们打算让学生成为受害者。

- That's right.
- Hey, Casey.
Sorry about that mix-up earlier.
Didn't mean to scare you.
Apparently, there's been a misunderstanding.
Still, if we could just see inside the closet.
- It's a doll.
- Meet Resuscitation Annie.
We use her to teach C.P.R.
to the students, although I guess she does resemble Mrs Brummel slightly.
- You dialled 911 for a dead doll?
- That wasn't there.
They put that there.
Look, I'm not making this up.
- You gotta call Delilah.
- We called her. She isn't home.
She was here with me.
She saw it too.
They attacked Nurse Harper.
- Nurse Harper is epileptic. She's prone to grand mals.
- She had an attack.
Luckily, she carries her medicine in her bag, so we were able to help her.
We think it was brought on by this terrible cold she's had. I took her home myself.
- You can call her if you like.